DFP being discountinued...

  • Thread starter TurboRegal
Hey all,
Just got some news that this wheel has been discountinued, thats right, no more DFP...
They are all sold out on futureshop.ca and tigerdirect.com / .ca

Here is the post from another board...

I just called logitech and the CSR told me that this wheel is discontined. Is there any new driving wheel coming out from logitech? If someone here has some insider info or if you know something new from logitech, please PM me.
But there's a difference between passing on news and passing on unsubstanciated rumours.

You can still buy it at logitech.com and they also have a large list of retailers you can purchase one from.
Even if they are just rumours they do make sense. The PS2 is going to be replaced soonish, GT4 will have sold the majority of the copies it's going to sell. The main market for the wheel will be near saturation, and the price (and so profit) is dropping quite fast.

They'll be gearing up (no pun intended) for producing the PS3 Super True Drive wheel for GT 5. It'll probably have indicator stalks on it or something.