Reverse donuts, like going backward and turning the wheel as hard as you can and then going forward, I do that all the time in GT3. Only once with my brother in his old '87 626, that thing wanted to flip. And we also did handbrake donuts and normal donuts, not to spite mega rain and snow burnouts(speed read 80, we were going like 5, and this is a 93 hp car). And then there's going around cloverleafs at 60(when the speed limit is 25)with all tires screetching. And theres this hill near us, when you go the regular 40 over it the car lifts a little(not off the ground just up) and we managed to go 80 and flew a bit. There's also a Dierbergs near us(grocery store) and behind the building there's like an auto cross couse, well we made one. There's a strait, a left, a right, a left over crest, and the braking zone. In his 626 we went 70 on the strait, 50 around the corners, and on the crest he floored it and the tires spun and we went 70 into the braking zone. It was fun.