did he kill her?

did scott peterson kill laci? dont know if it is just me but if i was accused of killing my girl and unborn son i would be devestated and beside myself. But scott looks like he doesn't have a care in the world when you see him in that court room.. so did he do it?
well if milefile's SS tell him that he did it, theres a good chance then, MF has insigt. ( ijust finished reading the long post in the "religion is contrived" thread.
Originally posted by LoudMusic
Who? Did what? And why? No, no... hold that. I don't care.

Careful. Boombexus will say something like "LoudMusic, if you don't have anything positive to contribute to a thread, don't post in it."
Originally posted by milefile
Careful. Boombexus will say something like "LoudMusic, if you don't have anything positive to contribute to a thread, don't post in it."

That used to be me (: I could search for threads but I just don't care.

Actually what I was contributing was lack of interest in the "gossip" topic. It just seems odd to me that a bunch of car guys get interested in a Hollywood media event.
Yes, he killed her.

It just seems odd to me that a bunch of car guys get interested in a Hollywood media event.

He drives a 2002 Ford F150 SuperCrew. He sold a 1996 Land Rover Discovery weeks before he murdered Laci. That's probably a third of my knowledge on the entire story.
I would say that it is entirely possible.

He does look eerily calm.
All I can say for sure, is that he had a truly HOT wife, and he was cheating on her.
He may or may not be guilty, but the affair can be part of MM & O. Method and Opportunity would easily present themselves. Motive would be getting rid of the wife and putting a new woman in her place, and getting a bit of insurance money...
Originally posted by Gil

All I can say for sure, is that he had a truly HOT wife, and he was cheating on her.

:odd: She wasn't hot! You're mad. Mad!

I actually made this post to add on to this statement:

He drives a 2002 Ford F150 SuperCrew. He sold a 1996 Land Rover Discovery weeks before he murdered Laci. That's probably a third of my knowledge on the entire story.

My addition is that I've seen a 1998ish Subaru Forester L parked at his house as well as a 2003 Lincoln Town Car in various photographs.

For huge media things like this, that's all I really care about. The cars tell me whether they did it. And what liberal Northern Californian has an F150 Super Crew? A murdering one, that's for sure.
Originally posted by M5Power
:odd: She wasn't hot! You're mad. Mad!

She was indeed a very pretty lady.
Not Tyra Banks or Heidi Klum, but any guy with her on his arm wouldn't have to be ashamed to be seen with her in public.
Originally posted by M5Power
:odd: She wasn't hot! You're mad. Mad!

I actually made this post to add on to this statement:

He drives a 2002 Ford F150 SuperCrew. He sold a 1996 Land Rover Discovery weeks before he murdered Laci. That's probably a third of my knowledge on the entire story.

My addition is that I've seen a 1998ish Subaru Forester L parked at his house as well as a 2003 Lincoln Town Car in various photographs.

For huge media things like this, that's all I really care about. The cars tell me whether they did it. And what liberal Northern Californian has an F150 Super Crew? A murdering one, that's for sure.

Originally posted by M5Power
:My addition is that I've seen a 1998ish Subaru Forester L parked at his house as well as a 2003 Lincoln Town Car in various photographs.

You can't say that about Subaru owners! Diana Ross had one!

Oh wait....damn...
Originally posted by vat_man
You can't say that about Subaru owners! Diana Ross had one!

Oh wait....damn...

I'm not sure if it was his Subaru. But anybody who buys a top-line pickup at the end of its model run is certainly guilty of something.

If he had a Legacy sedan like ours, vat_man, I'd be on the next plane to Modesto (are there planes to Modesto?) to defend him. 👍

she might have been a little bit on the chunky side, but she had BEAUTIFUL eyes ! you can't say she was an ugly woman

Yes I can, and I am. She's an ugly woman.
Doug, you're crazy. She was pretty good looking. You slavering half witted cowboy.
Originally posted by Zrow
Doug, you're crazy. She was pretty good looking. You slavering half witted cowboy.

She's ugly! I'm being ganged-up on by people who think an ugly person is good-looking! It's like a Madonna concert!
I d'int mean for the masses to gang up on you.:lol:

Still, she wasn't as bad as the bag of bones chick he was doing on the side.

If you must have an affair, which I don't condone, aren't you s'posed to "trade up?"