Did you know that..

  • Thread starter DeSwyft


That some cars that aren't in Arcade Mode can be Opened by obtaining that car in Simulation. Tire choice varys as well, depending on how many tires you bought for that car. Surprisingly, I realized this now, since I don't Arcade, only problem is that they dont take on your current settings on that car.. I'll be getting those Black cars into Arcade mode soon :P.

BTW, I was wondering, can you have Specific settings when Multi player or LAN, because I seen some drift videos and many users seem to be drifting to their preference (as if they tuned it to their perfection).

Also, Mileage of a car doesnt affect its quality except for oil?
That some cars that aren't in Arcade Mode can be Opened by obtaining that car in Simulation. Tire choice varys as well, depending on how many tires you bought for that car. Surprisingly, I realized this now, since I don't Arcade, only problem is that they dont take on your current settings on that car.. I'll be getting those Black cars into Arcade mode soon :P.

BTW, I was wondering, can you have Specific settings when Multi player or LAN, because I seen some drift videos and many users seem to be drifting to their preference (as if they tuned it to their perfection).

Also, Mileage of a car doesnt affect its quality except for oil?


Dont know

No, you chassis losses it rigidness and your car will handle different over time, about 700-100 miles
That some cars that aren't in Arcade Mode can be Opened by obtaining that car in Simulation. Tire choice varys as well, depending on how many tires you bought for that car. Surprisingly, I realized this now, since I don't Arcade, only problem is that they dont take on your current settings on that car.. I'll be getting those Black cars into Arcade mode soon :P.

BTW, I was wondering, can you have Specific settings when Multi player or LAN, because I seen some drift videos and many users seem to be drifting to their preference (as if they tuned it to their perfection).

Also, Mileage of a car doesnt affect its quality except for oil?

Welcome to GTP fella.

There are answers for all of your questions already and you can find them by using the search function. Come on, give it a try, it doesn't bite :). And yes, we did know that you have to buy or win some cars in simulation in order to have them in Arcade as well.

But before I let you go, I must tell you the following:

  1. The number or type of tires that you have bought to any car, has NOTHING to do with its availability in Arcade mode.
  2. The only way you can use your cars from simulation mode in Arcade, is in 2 player mode. You'll see the two memory card slots up top of the screen when you make your car selection..(again, only in 2 player mode)
  3. You cannot tune up a car in Arcade in a detailed way like you did on simulation mode...tires, %of power and top speed can be tweaked though.

Like I said, for all the other questions, use the search function and you'll be all set ;)...enjoy your time here.

I know you're eager to please and impress, DeSwyft - but you could start by searching. The game is nearing 2 years old.

Yes it is well known that arcade cars are unlocked when they are acquired in GT Mode.

The only settings you can change on xlink play (as in the drift vids you refer to) are the driver aids and tires. The rest is up to driver skill, whether you choose to believe that or not.

As opendriver19a said. Over time, engine output varies, and the option to refresh the chassis will eventually open.

edit: Ozzy kinda beat me to the punch.
Also, the Black cars won't unlock in arcade mode, just their actual racing counterpart if you haven't got it already.
No Black Cars!? aww..

So when the chassis or rigidness starts dying, what do i do to fix it..

Secondly, YES any extra tires you bought on "that" car will give you those tires to choose from in arcade..

Thirdly, the Game's very old and I got this game like 4 weeks ago So searching won't help since every post is old. If I wanted to ask a question or post a reply, noon'es going to even find that reply or post at all.
So when the chassis or rigidness starts dying, what do i do to fix it..

Tune Shop -> Others -> Chassis Refresh

Secondly, YES any extra tires you bought on "that" car will give you those tires to choose from in arcade..

This applies to both 1 & 2P modes:
Road cars get road tires (S & N), race cars get race tires. Road cars do NOT get race tires, race cars do NOT get road tires.
I suppose, if you purchased some N1 tires for a 240SX in sim mode, then yes, they will be there for you in arcade mode. But so will the other S & N tires that you didnt purchase.

Thirdly, the Game's very old and I got this game like 4 weeks ago So searching won't help since every post is old. If I wanted to ask a question or post a reply, noon'es going to even find that reply or post at all.

Provided your question is asked in an appropriate thread, hasn't been answered already in that thread, and isn't answered in excruciating detail in a FAQ, then the odds are that someone will answer rather quickly. By default, the forum sorts thread order by last post, not original posting date - so even if you post in a very old thread it will be brought to the top of the forum.

And FYI - old posts are a great spot to find info quickly and efficiently, since any more recent threads on the topic will almost invariably read as "SEARCH!" and then point to an old thread without giving the actual answer then and there. And, if it's soemthing very general, like... oh I dunno... "how do I refresh the chassis", the answer is not likely to have changed even as the overall knowledge of the game improved over time.
Thirdly, the Game's very old and I got this game like 4 weeks ago So searching won't help since every post is old. If I wanted to ask a question or post a reply, noon'es going to even find that reply or post at all.
Ummm, let me clue you in about how internet forums work:

The answer to a question that was asked a year ago is still valid. The GT4 game has not changed, and so that information is still correct (assuming it was correct in the first place).

Also, if you add a post to the bottom of a 5-year-old thread, that thread will pop to the front page of the forum. So people will see your question, and answer it if they can. It doesn't matter at all how old the first post in the thread is; it only matters what the most recent post is. So there's no need to repost new copies of old questions that have been answered many times. That just irritates the regulars (and the staff).