Did you know there are 2 editions

  • Thread starter BMW_///M3
I haven't been to these boards a lot, so I'm not sure if you know this, but there are TWO versions of GTA3. In 2001, the version they came out with was hounded as being too "graphic" they soon pulled this version off the shelves, and didn't produce any new games for like a month, they then took OUT the ability to hijack Police cars, and fire trucks ambulances(while the workers are in them), amoung other things, to tone it down. I just bought a first edition and would sell if someone wants one really bad(PM me), but it will only be sold for more than the new Edition II. anyways, there are not any numbers of how many first version were made, but they appearenlt aren't many left. So if you can't do certian things that other people with GTA3 can, this is the reason. The first idetion is now being consider a sort of collector item, and are going used for about a much as a brand new ed. 2. In a few years they are sure to go up more if they are in good condition.

Once again sorry for clogging up space if you knew this I just found out.
That's the first I'd heard of that.

In Australia, the initial release was banned, as we don't an 'R' rating for video games here. Rockstar actually got it on the shelves for about three weeks before the Office of Film & Literature Classification caught up with them - I think they based the classification on that of GTA2. Worth a try I suppose.

The decision to ban it centred around the treatment of women in the game, specifically the ability to pick up hookers, boost your health, and then kill them to get your $ back.

The game was withdrawn, and a second version was released that from a violence point of view was unchanged, but the ability to pick up hookers was removed.

I've played the re-release for about five-ten minutes and was of the impression that the gameplay was unchanged apart from that. Certainly running over peds produced the same visual and sound effects.
Hmm, I heard/read that they were considering changing that "graphic" stuff after the 9/11 attacks, but I thought it ended up just being a rumor.:confused:
If there are two versions or not, I can still throw people driving ambulances, fire trucks, and poilce cars, from their vehicles. I am always sure to give them a shotgun to the chest to! 😈
Originally posted by ViperConcept
If there are two versions or not, I can still throw people driving ambulances, fire trucks, and poilce cars, from their vehicles. I am always sure to give them a shotgun to the chest to! 😈

Well, you don't want them coming back at you, do you? :lol:

I tend to kick them to death - I prefer the personal touch.
Originally posted by vat_man

Well, you don't want them coming back at you, do you? :lol:

I tend to kick them to death - I prefer the personal touch.

Or you can do the ironic thing and run them over with their own vehicle! 😈 :D

Yes what you do is great to. I like kicking the living crap out of people and watching blood pour out everywhere until the cops come and punch me out. I feel demented sometimes. :odd: 😈
My friend was like "SO thats why I couldn't do that on my friend's version" when the guy at the store told us, then I remembered on the version I rented I had a lot of trouble getting cop cars when they were moving(as in, I couldn't)

I noticed that save game files for GTA3 don't seem to be compatible with different copies of the game.

Mmm, not terribly clear - allow me to clarify.

I was on holiday when GTA3 went on sale here (Nov '01). On my return, you couldn't get a copy for love nor money, so my mate at work lent me his copy. I did a few missions and saved, returning my mate's copy to him the following day.

The next weekend copies of GTA3 started to show up again, and I immediately snared a copy. I attempted to load my save file, and it would not load. I swapped my copy with his copy, and I was now able to play the previous save file, but he could not play his with my copy.
Oh - the first batch in Australia sold quicker than $10 Ferraris!

I was in Queensland on holidays when it was initially released and nearly bought a copy when I was up there - and on reflection I should have. I was lucky to get a copy when I did.
Right heres the deal: After 9/11, the ability to blow up planes and remove limbs were removed, the latter still available as a code.

November '01: The initial release was fine to get. I got it on the day and everything was hunky dory.

Then the Aussies banned the 1st edition of the game, forced it to be remastered and was sold in a toned down form.

And trust me the first version is a lot better.