Different Pedal Problems, Please Help.

I was having the usual brake pedal problem, the brake flickering on and off, when I ran across the thread to fix the problem. Well, I have the old style plastic pots, so I super glued in the pots into the slot where the little ball goes into. Well, after that, the brake was working great, but the gas is totally screwed up. It acts as though the wire to the gas keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting itself. So I tried to open it up again and I tightened up the plug that goes onto the pots to see if that fixed it. Same problem. I then took out the gas pedal pot and gave it to someone to test. He is an electrical engineer, so when he said it tests good, I believe him.

So my question is, where do I go from here? Has anyone found the wires themselves to go bad? Any help would be great.

Since your friend is a EE, he can help you "wring" out the wiring. Since the pot checked out, you should get him to use a multimeter/scope to make sure you have a good connection all the way to the plug that leads to the steering wheel base. I am not sure if you are willing to have him try and re-wire the DFP if there is a short somewhere, it might cost less time/trouble to just buy a new one if you find out there is wiring problem. Keep us posted!
if the brake pedal is 'flickering' as u say, the only way to fix it is u have to take a aprt the circuitry cylinder that is connected to the brake pedal, pull the whole component from the pedal itself, and unhinge the 4 metal flaps up, so u can then pull apart the device, i used a knife to unhinge them. once u have pulled apart everything, u simply have to fiddle around with a few of those little needles (theres about 7 or 8 of them that rotate inside the casing as u press or depress the pedal) to make sure they look normal and not out of position due to wear and tear, maybe give the circuit board a clean, and then put everything back together again. it should work once u do that