Difficulity ?F1 2010-2016 

United States
I've been playing since Dec and I can't seem to get past the medium setting.. As soon as I get rid of the traction control I go from 2 to 3 seconds faster than anyone else to 18 th .. Other that seat time what seems to make the most difference in picking up those lost seconds ? And is there a more gradual setting to make the medium setting closser to the field ?
I've been playing since Dec and I can't seem to get past the medium setting.. As soon as I get rid of the traction control I go from 2 to 3 seconds faster than anyone else to 18 th .. Other that seat time what seems to make the most difference in picking up those lost seconds ? And is there a more gradual setting to make the medium setting closser to the field ?

Gradually turn the assists off. Like instead of just turning TC straight off, turn it down to low/or weak or whatever the lower setting is. And what team are you driving as? 18th may be a realistic finish if you're racing as Lotus for example.

Driving with no assists is actually not too hard, it's pushing that's the problem. Practice solo and just see how hard you can push the car on every corner of the track without spinning, see how much it's possible to attack the kerbs without crashing and the earliest point you can get the power down while exiting the bend. It's not simply a matter of driving round in career for 4 hours and getting seat time, you need to be intelligent and think about how and where you can improve your lap times.

Hope this slightly rambling answer helps, it's what I do to practice anyway 👍

EDIT: Oh and welcome to GTP :)
With TC it's all about "pedal to the metal" - sans TC it's all about gradually accelerating. You don't want to accelerate out of the corner but you want to accelerate halfway through the corner, so that you're always either braking or accelerating. Keep that in mind, too.
My advice for when you're starting without Traction Control: Relax. Seriously it works. If you're super intense and trying to go as quickly as possible every corner you will mess up. Just relax and take it easy, you'll actually be quicker. Once it feels completely naturall to drive without assists then you can start to push. For now though, just be calm and relaxed.

And when you crash/spin, don't get frustrated. Just think about why you crashed and figure out what you can do to prevent it, while staying as calm as possible :)
It's probably best to give it a go in time trial - that way you'll have the track for yourself and you'll have the same level of grip everywhere. It's all different in GP mode but it's the best start since you're also having your own ghost in front (or behind, as you progress) of you.
Thanks Guys .
I practiced last night with tc on med on the time trials and I did get down within .7 of my best with tc on full. Now most laps were 1 to 1.5 slower.. It is a very fine line between fast and doing some nice 360 s out of the turns. I managed to get pole on the newburg ring but only by .7 so the race should be interesting . Like you guys said pratice and learning when to get on the gas in any given turn is the key . Its just hard to stay consistant during the heat of the battle.( I know , relax ! ) I'm in my second carrier season , this season with Ferrari . My best lap on this track is 1.28 with tc . I qulified with 1.30 with med tc .. I'm just seeing you guys running expert and I'm saying wow !! That's good ... I'm having great fun though !
Thanks again .
Keep in mind, you don't need to put the pedal to the metal all the time. It's a single lap in qualifying - and the race mostly consists of driving in normal mode, sometimes even going down to the lean mix. I'm only putting it into rich mode at the start and for a few laps after getting new tyres. It's most often working out but you can also put it back into rich mode should you have +2 laps left with 4 laps to go.

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