Digitally Colored

  • Thread starter JuCe
before you scroll down, read this first.
i was bored so i tried a hand at digital coloring, using only the brush tool and the burn/dodge tool in photoshop. well, here it is...

Before and after

i give thanks to ShinigamiGirl for the original art, and Kizzy for the character... rest is me... Yes, i know, she's a goat, but i think she's pretty cool. please, dont criticise (sp?) the character too much, instead talk about how well/badly the coloring is...
Well after close inspection, it doesn't seem like you actually did that much to it. I can see some areas that have obvious detail, but the majority seem to be detailed because of the lines.
The colours are pretty bad and i really don't like the character much (so you made a bad choice there imo).

Also because the lines are completely desaturated and you've coloured beneath them (i hope), you can see the lines overlapping the colour and creating areas of the colour's luminosity, but the lines saturation. This creates areas of grey fuzziness over the colour (see shorts and top).

All in all, it's not bad, but not that good really. Definitely not worth you getting all worked up when people haven't replied only an hour after you posted it.
It's better than what I could do.

I used to have a Windows XP OS but then my computer died and I was forced to use Linux. I hate this damn OS. Anyhow, I've been out of graphical work forever now.

I think you did a good job JuCe. It's certainly better looking than the original. The purple toenails are unique. Brownie points for you on that.
I used to have a Windows XP OS but then my computer died and I was forced to use Linux. I hate this damn OS. Anyhow, I've been out of graphical work forever now.

The purple toenails are unique. Brownie points for you on that.

Unique for a sword toting female humanoid goat figure? :P

Also r.e. Linux, have a look for GIMP. You might get along with that.
she's an anthropomorphic, aka furry, goat called Kizzy, thank you very much. and what do you mean i didnt do much to it? i hand colored the whole damn thing! i know the lines make the detail, but the color brings it to life! and IMO i like the colors and the character a lot. i know some areas are bad, i wish photoshop's wand was smarter :/
and sorry for double posting, i wanted to make sure that everyone read the second post...
and about the toenails, aka hoofs, i think it would be the most suitible color...
How can you say "i hand coloured the whole damn thing" and follow it up with "i wish photoshop's wand was smarter"?! The two contradict.

It's not a bad picture at all, but i still don't think that what you've done really merits comments to the scale of creating a thread to mine them. Just my thoughts.
what i meant by saying that i wanted photoshops magic wand to be smarte is so that it doesnt leave grey areas where i dont want them to be... i can sorta fix it later, but still. i dont see how it contradicts what i said before.
anyway, this is my first try at digital coloring, so i didnt expect it to be all that good... thanks for the comment anyway ;)
It makes perfect sense, let me explain.

By applying the colour to the picture and not doing the lines, you are only effectively doing half the picture. The amount of shading you applied to the colour isn't overly extensive. On top of that by even mentioning the magic wand, it leads me to believe that you didn't do as i expected which was to create a layer beneath the lines and colour that "by hand", but instead you used the magic wand to select the areas in between the lines and then you just colour that.

No wonder you're left with the grey fuzzy areas, because as you stated, the magic wand isn't that good and therefore using it doesn't provide very clean results.

So. Claiming that you coloured it all by hand and by complaining when i said "you haven't done much to it" doesn't fit, as you didn't really do much to it and you didn't really colour it by hand as i believe you used the magic wand.

Hope that explains it :)

Next time try not using the magic wand see where that gets you, i'd be interested to see the results.
i'll try that, when i have the time. thanks for the advice. i new to this and i didnt know exactly what to do... sorry if i acted like an ass
I'd like to do a bit of 'constructive' criticism...

First of all JuCe, I think you've done a great job. If you're a beginner, hats off to you.
As for the technique you're using, you may want to try this:

Keep using the magic wand but first:
Make three layers, make the top layer your black line art (Make this layer "Multiply").Make your bottom layer white.
The middle layer is your 'painting' layer (Keep as 'normal'). You do not have to use the magic wand, just paint colour (still dodging and burning for highlights and shadows).
If you want, make a magic wand selection of your top layer (outside your line work), invert the selection and conract by 1 to 2 pixels. Then move to your painting layer and paint inside your selection.

You can also use Quickmask to clean up your magic wand selection and also to make (multiple) channels (masks) for later use.

After you're done, flatten or merge your layers and save as a copy. DON'T save the flattened version or you'll lose your layers if you ever want to go back and play more.

Photoshop is a tool that requires repeated experimentation, so keep at it. 👍
Hello Juce,

Mr Toad is correct with the layer order and the multiply, also you need to darken the line art aswell. I have darkened the line art for you, just by going to:- Image/Ajustments/Brightness & Contrast, and playing with the settings till it looks a like this.

Then since i made the line art darker i decided to give it a go myself. by using the same method that Mr Toad mentioned above i did this.


Did you do the line art yourself or was it pilfered from another source? The drawing is good i like it.
Thanks for adding to this, Sprite!
Bumping up the line always helps...
I usually hit 'levels' to achieve the same, but everyone works differently. :)
Mr. Toad
.....a goat with tits......
.....I sense an underlying beastiality fetish with its original artist......
Really, whoever these people are that draw these animals with defined human sexual organs are seriously disturbed. I cant believe there is such a large community of them.
.....a goat with tits......
.....I sense an underlying beastiality fetish with its original artist......
Really, whoever these people are that draw these animals with defined human sexual organs are seriously disturbed. I cant believe there is such a large community of them.

Obviously you have never watched cartoons... keep the wise-ass remarks to yerself.
Nah i agree with AutoTooned, i really dont like those types of pics, i think theres nothing cool or anything to like about them. Their just weird....

And ive not seen a cartoon with those types of characters in. ive only seen them in games and the games their in i dont really like too.
If you two guys would like to start a thread discussing Roger and Jessica Rabbit, Bugs Bunny in Drag, Fritz The Cat or any other 'gendered' cartoon animal, please feel free to do so.
In the meantime if you have any Photoshop help and/or advice you can give JuCe,
I'm sure he would appreciate it.
Mr. Toad
Obviously you have never watched cartoons.

What exactly do you mean by this? Just out of interest.

Are you insinuating that anyone who has ever watched cartoons will instinctively like the idea of a female goat figure?
What exactly do you mean by this? Just out of interest.

Are you insinuating that anyone who has ever watched cartoons will instinctively like the idea of a female goat figure?

No. You seem to have a lot of opinions (mostly negative), but I think JuCe wanted help (or some positive advice) so he could become more advanced in Photoshop.

Obviously JuCe likes what he draws, so it's not up to you to tell him whether it's S**t or not. If he drew a picture of apples would you come back with "ooh, apples I hate apples, apples are so stupid."
If it's a thorn to you, start a thread on the subject.

And finally, are you under the impression that Mel Blanc (et al.) are sick individuals? 'cause I've seem Tasmanian Devils, Bunnies and all other kinds of cartoons sporting human physical characteristics. Gendered cartoon characters have been around for a long time.
Clearly you thought my question required more than just the answer. It didn't. But thanks anyway.

Thanks also for stating that a dislike of apples is the same as a dislike of goats. Incidently, i don't hate goats, or indeed think that they are stupid. I've never personally spoken to a goat, so deciding whether or not they are stupid isn't really something that i can do. They do make damn nice cheese though.

And finally, no i never once said anything about the sick nature of this cartoon or disliking this character or actually anything at all related to that, so you can spare me your 'thorn' speach.
cmon, people, if you see this please reply! i need some c&c. i might not be your thing, but please comment!

Yo Mr. Toad did you read that^ ''IT MIGHT NOT BE YOUR THING, BUT PLEASE COMMENT!''
Im commenting by saying i dont like those sorts of pics and im sure JuCe is happy with Donbenni comments, he said it himself...
thanks for the comment anyway ;)
If everyone said yea thats good etc... where would JuCe know where he went wrong or where to improve??
To be honest i think the image has nothing to do with anything sexual in any shape or form, If you have never played games containing such creatures this includes any type of fantasy game, or if you have never watched any type of cartoon containing animals/humanoid be it japanes animation or wester animation, then i can see and accept your point, but if like me you watch animation or play games then i seriously think that you are obviously two faced. the art is very good whoever created it, and to give a pointless comment like
.....a goat with tits......
.....I sense an underlying beastiality fetish with its original artist......
Really, whoever these people are that draw these animals with defined human sexual organs are seriously disturbed. I cant believe there is such a large community of them.
I think that to see something in the art like that, a problem lies with the person who posts such rubbish. Mr Toad is correct in saying keep those comments to yourself. if you want to see what can be created with a sick mindthen take a look at this.


I created that and i can see why people would dislike this, but it was created for a Survival Horror game.
thanks a lot for your comments, guys. i really appreciate it. i agree with sprite. the problem isnt the artists, its the critics.
@slick rick- exactly. if everyone said "its good, but i dont like it", then the whole topic would be pointless. but again, posting something like what AutoTooned did is quite idiotic. its pointless. and it doesnt have anything to do with bestiality, and nobody who draws them is disturbed. in fact, your the one who is disturbed by thinking something like that. and yes, there is a very large community of furries.
@unsanctified-lol who doesnt? apperently some people *evil stare at Autotooned and donbenni*
*cowers under Juces's evil stare* :nervous:
BTW, I dont know if you know this Juce, but "furries", as you call this kind of art community, just happens to share its name with a huge community of individuals who dress up as animals with thier "sex holes" as they call them cut out so they can have anal sex at the get togethers.
Unless this art community are those same individuals.....which more than supports my argument.
And yes, I did, in fact, grow up watching cartoons, especially WB cartoons of the early 20th century.
Bugs Bunny in drag or Pepe Le Pue, a skirt chasing french skunk, or even Daisy Duck were never once drawn with D cup breasts, defined nipples, are anything of that sort.
It was a show aimed at children.
And when they were used for wartime propaganda, they were screened only for adults.

So dont give me that tripe.

And Jessica Rabbit? Hey, she wasnt a rabbit, Oppenheimer! She was a female human in an adult movie.
Also, Roger was just a plucky teen aged rabbit in overalls, how he conveyed any sexual image to you, Mr. Toad, is your problem.
there is a big gap between furries and the ones who dress up and have relationships, and i believe you think that all of them are right inbetween that gap. Sure, there might be a select few, but most either draw furries, and man are some of them good... and the rest, well, lets just say they arent so artistic :yuck:
i'm on the extreme end of the artistic side, and i'm disgusted by the other side.
Bottom line: just because you draw 'goats with tits' doesnt mean you have a bestiality fetish and have anal sex while in a fursuit (yes, thats what they call them)

Edit: btw, forgot to tell you, sprite, that coloring of yours is awesome! i'm trying the technique right now