disappoining ptom in us

  • Thread starter bkeljda
United States
Las Vegas, NV
seeing as how the french copy of playstation magazine had no new news about my favorite game i waited till it came out in the US to see if there was anything new. i was shoppin for dog food at kmart bout hour ago with my wife and i went to see if they had the new magazine and they did so i leafed through it looking for something on GT5. NOT 1 SINGLE LITTLE SENTENCE AT ALL. its like it didnt even exist. hopefully uk has better luck
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That is disappointing, the 7th is apparently when it comes out in the UK so hopefully some info then, although we probably have to wait til TGS to have anything substantial.
Considering the US is a big market, Sony would want lost GT fans back and you would have thought atleast a article on the trailer like in the French mag.
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GT5 doesn't exist!

PS I like the part where you set the scene by mentioning the dog food. It's those sort of details that make for a truly memorable post.
Maybe i'm being a little to fond of the UK but...

If one Playstation Magazine was to get exclusive news first it would be the UK magazine?

Then following details would be released in US and other European countries.
in about a week's time im going on holiday for 6 weeks, so im hoping to stay GT5 rumour or official news free for that period and then be bombarded with all the special news when i come back
in about a week's time im going on holiday for 6 weeks, so im hoping to stay GT5 rumour or official news free for that period and then be bombarded with all the special news when i come back

Good luck to you, 👍 don't get your hopes up too high, though.
Sorry to be negative but OPM UK will probably talk about the E3 trailer like OPM france.
I don't want to get my hopes up like with OPM France and being disapointed.
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I'm guessing there will be no Exclusive for the Uk edition - why should they have an exclusive if all the others claim to be official playstation magazines as well and they don't have the exclusive info?
That's the exact reason I canceled my subscription of official PlayStation magazine because their news are usually old news or no news like in this case Gran Turismo. That magazine to ME is garbage and a waste of money. I find all the info I need online.