Disconnected from daily race

United States
United States
Hi, I've been experiencing this issue after the recent update 1.25. I enter the daily race do qualifying and when the grid show up right before the race where it says "waiting for other players to get ready" I get booted to the daily race main page.. And I have to wait for the next race.. This also happened with the manufacture race it's just..... Deviating..
Please help...thanks
Same. I find if disconnect you might aswell close game down & restart it as keeps disconnecting after the first time. After game restarts I am usually ok for a good few races & it's not my internet or yours it's server side I believe.
Your not alone it happens quite a lot since 1.25 update.
I had a 45 or so minute window to play last night. Spent 15 minutes qualifying, the race line-up screen loaded, good spot in third, then after a moment it just chucked me back to the Sport menu. Great. That was a waste of time, and with a 10+ minute wait for another race I gave up.

Just tried it again today, exactly the same thing happened, event though green smiley face at the bottom says its all OK.

Game shelved again as wasting my time. Better things to enjoy
Yup, me too. Might this account for several races that have full entry, then during warm up a few people have disappeared?
I've made it a habit to quit and restart the game after every race since this disconnect problem has started. Haven't been disconnected yet since I started doing it. A bit annoying, but not as bad as having to restart the PS4.
Jut got booted out of two games in a row.

There is I believe an update tomorrow, lets hope PD are aware of the issue and this is to address it.
Tomorrow is just normal server maintenance I believe but hopefully a fix can be done as I've also had this problem
as well but hadn't tried restarting the game so will do that next time.
As somebody who’s not experienced a disco yet, every sport race I’ve entered I’ve witnessed a number of players disappearing between warm up and race. It also seems that once affected by it then its likely to happen again, it would be useful to have some more info with these disco’s, time of disco, net speeds, wifi/ethernet, is there a common ISP etc, reason being I’m not convinced that its a bug.
I've had this issue about 3 times so far. Twice last week and once yesterday. NAT2, twice on one ISP and yesterday on the other ISP. Don't think its ISP related, since I've been using the same ISP's since launch and it's never happened before the update. Both connections are wired, one ISP is 125Mbps and the other is 20Mbps.

In all cases I've played about 2-3 races before with no issues. Then I start a new one, spend a good 5-10 mins in qualifying, loads the "waiting for other players to get ready" and then poof, back to the race selection screen. After that there's no way you'll get past that unless you restart.
Same here. Just done 2 qualifying sessions. First race qualified 3rd, second race qualified 1st. Showed the leaderboard, then returned me to the main Sport page.
Anyone else still experiencing disconnections. Or is it just me? Disconnected after qualifying for a Manufacturers cup race, during a Nations cup race, and a couple of times after qualifying for Daily Races.

Also, do I assume that PD collect this data automatically, or is there a report function?
I'm still restarting the game after every race which seems to keep the disconnects while loading away. I did get two disconnects yesterday, one in the middle of a race, one right after warm up was complete.

I have no idea what MTU is, I'm on Nat type 2, also no clue what that means. I'm using a wifi extender to boost the signal as I have no option to go wired where I play. My ping time reported by GT Sport is generally just over 40ms, yet my isp is not always that stable.

However, my kids never ever get disconnected from Fortnite or other online games. GT Sport is the exception.
I think states for maximum transfer unit and is usually set to default 1500, its kind of easy find on the modem/router config. Still no disconnects here (only on blue screen of death... but its software.. that just happens)
This has beem happening to me for a couple months now. Kind of ruins the game so haven't played either. Went to play again today and it happened again.
Since the update I haven't been able to finish any race and my rating has gone from strong C to a very weak D so the game believes I'm disconnecting on my own accord. My internet strength is always a little lower as I'm in nz but has never been a problem in the years I've been playing it.... Hope this new updates up for it....
never been booted from a race but I have had my qualifying time not saved several times. I get a better time then go to race and its my old slower time.