Discussion-Future of TT PMC comp(new host Brock5000)

  • Thread starter Tommi


United Kingdom
I have put up this thread because i no longer want to run the TT PMC comp, i would really prefer to run a GT4 comp as i like cars more than bikes, i have the game and i can enter it.

Someone else could run the comp and post it in the TT section of GTP (stops GT4 comps being dropped down the page)
or it just gets stopped.

So if you are interested in running it or have a comp to give me to run just say or PM me:D


I don't think that it should be run in the TT Section still as it recieves more attention here than it would in the TT Forum which is pratically dieing.
Oh and however is the new host I have some banners that I made up last night for Tommi but he told me to hang on so who ever ends up running it I would be happy to give you some banners.
Me being the guy with the idea, it should be logical that i should run it, but i can't!
I'm planning on a exclusive GT4 comp wich i've been thinking out a few weeks, all i gotta do is make the banners and the Poll for the idea.
I hope there will be somebody that can run this tough 👍
If no one steps up to take this you can consider me as an option.

Maybe NTX could do it?
If no one steps up to take this you can consider me as an option.

Well i say its ok for you to run it but as it was Ray's idea for the comp you might need to ask him first.

Note to everyone im still open to run any GT4 comps for you.
I don't mind who runs it, i'm going to Run the FGT4 comp so won't be able to do this one, anyway :)
I can do it if you haven't found anyone yet. Tommi send me the current details, speedster if you have new banners I would be happy to use them.
If no one steps up to take this you can consider me as an option.

I can do it if you haven't found anyone yet. Tommi send me the current details, speedster if you have new banners I would be happy to use them.

Ok we have 2 people who would like to run it this will be hard....
If you are confident you want to run it or need more info pleasePMme
The new Host is Brock5000, im sure he'll do a great job!:D
Cheers Tommi, I look forward to taking over the TT comp, I quite enjoy doing the work behind the scenes. For those who don't know, I used to host the GT4 PMC for a while about a year ago, so this comp will be in safe hands :D

Speedster I would be happy to use your banners, send them to me via pm.
I would like to do that, unless everyone thinks it is too much.

When would you all like the weekly TT comp to roll over - at the start or end of the weekend?