If you're going to censor a word, censor the word, not bits of it.
Dismaland - Bemusement park.
It's just a massive '🤬 take' of Disney parks and modern culture itself.
I love Banksys' take on the world, very much like mine.
When you stand back and take a look at this world that the Elites have created, it makes you wonder how the whole world hasn't revolted and overthrown them all and hopefully that'll happen in my lifetime.
🤬 the 1%
The concept that someone so against the 1% and wealth could fund construction of something of this scale all by himself suggests he's not that against wealth...
I imagine it is more a commentary on the blind consumerist culture that has developed and the fantasy world that social media creates.
@numbnuts70 - your name seems a bit poetic given the nature of your rage post.
My forum name is supposed to be self-deprecating, maybe that humour is lost on you.
It isn't, or rather your attempt at humor is drowned out by your blind lashing out at those that have more than you. I kind of burnt out on the Occupy and 1% mentalities a few years ago, more so when it became apparent that 99% of the people involved had almost no idea how anything actually works.
Condescending much?
Well, I pity you for being taken in by the 'occupy' movement, then thinking that you obviously 'have been there and done that' and know a lot more than someone whom you haven't any idea about.
I would say 'think for yourself more and maybe you'll try not to desperately be 'in' the next youth idea' but I wouldn't waste my breath.
... in Weston-super-Mare...I imagine it is more a commentary on the blind consumerist culture that has developed and the fantasy world that social media creates.
Condescending much?
I find this sort of attitude from the 99%/Occupy brigade terribly amusing. That sign almost literally says "I'm angry because I know more than you.".
the guys at the doors were all really grouchy.
I wonder if this park given it's popularity could become a permanent feature and be expanded to become Tate Modern esque.