do 4wd's kill front tires.

  • Thread starter Blaze_409
Do 4wd's kill front tires. you can do the 4wd drive diff adjustment right.

supposedly the audi r8 is good?
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All cars will eventually kill front tires. It's more dependant on your tune or setup than one would think. 4WD cars can be adjusted on the front/rear bias, so if it's killing the fronts too quickly, there are adjustments you can make. Driving style also comes into play... I'm aggressive in 4WD cars, and kill all 4 tires pretty quick when I'm going for single lap speed instead of endurance length runs.

The R8 is a decent car stock, and can be turned into a very good track car with parts and tuning.
Short answer, it depends.

Long answer, it depends on the car in question. If it is an AWD which tends to understeer alot, front engined usually, then it will shred the front tyres alot like say an Evo relies on it's fronts alot to corner and has a relatively front heavy torque split in relation to what it could be. Potential cures are to play with the LSD to reduce the load (and indeed suspension to induce more rear rotation) on the front tyres when powering out of turns and changing the torque split to reduce the output going to the front wheels. An R8 however is mid engined and tends to oversteer and therefore the front tyres are under less load then the aforementioned, which will reduce front tyres wear.

The more you are having to steer (or turn the wheel in real terms) generally the harder you're working the front end whereas if you're not using much steering angle and the car has some hints of oversteer both on power and off, then you have a car which will be working the rear end a little more and not so much. Keep in mind a tyre only has so much grip available to it, once you start asking a car to turn on it's fronts and then deal with power as well you'll overload it and begin to wear them down fast. Try to tune the car into a more balanced state between the front and rear.
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im trying to decide between a 2wd vs a 4wd for and enduro where no pit stops are allowed. The 2wd car will most likely be FWD.
FWD (assuming that wasn't a typo) is highly likely to shred tyres even faster, it will be front engined no doubt and the front tyres will be punished massively.
Drivetrain is only part of the equation. It's hard to recommend which is better for endurance without knowing if you're restricted on mods, PPs, HP, tires, car models, etc. But in general, Front wheel drive is the worst for tire wear (I said in general... there are exceptions...)
AWD is better than a FWD.
If your car shreds front tires, set more torque to the rear and maybe you can set the brake balance more rear-based too.