Do it in the what? (parental advirory: explicit subject)

dabutt...... yes, dabutt,... it's now legal according to the Supreme Court of the United States of America,... whether your a guy with a guy or your ol' lady,... you can now legally take the dirt road home,... liquer in the front, poker in the rear, pack fudge, bit the pillow, or any other delicious discription you can think up for anal sex :lol:

We dont have to debate this though,... we'd only re-create the homesexual marrage topic. I just wanted to let anyone know who hadn't heared yet,... I'm so happy :D :lol: :cheers:

What I dont know though,... is whether or not this effects the oral sex laws,... because, I know that Michigan, along with probably that same 15 other states that were effected by yesterdays ruling, have laws forbidding oral sex between concenting adults. Does anyone know how deep this ruling really goes?
An interesting point that was noted about the law in Texas was that the law applied only to homosexuals. Sodomy was not illegal for hetersexual couples.

Talk about hypocritical.
I'm sure any futile attempt to enforce oral sex laws would not make it very far after this ruling. But of course the police can still use them to harass you. I think maybe Charlie Chaplain was arrested for sodomy, back in the day.

This ruling is one of the only things the government has done that hasn't pissed me off for a while.
Originally posted by milefile

This ruling is one of the only things the government has done that hasn't pissed me off for a while.

I bet it really chaps their ass being a republican appointed court and having to stick up for affirmative action and gays in the same week :lol:
Originally posted by danoff
If it's a republican appointed court, why did the rulings come down the way they did?

Because they know whats good for them :lol: I dont know,... considering how people feel about "legislated morality" these days, I'd bet there would be riots if it went the other way...
Black people should be rioting all over the place about the government sactioned racism that is affirmative action. It's a big step back for the african american community.
Originally posted by danoff
Black people should be rioting all over the place about the government sactioned racism that is affirmative action. It's a big step back for the african american community.

of course it is,.. but most dont realize it because it was a 'big step forward' only 20 years ago.
Justice Scolia says the court has taken sides in the "culture wars". It's unfortunate that a Supreme Court justice has such a narrow and shallow perspective. He thinks that because a particular group benefited from it that the court must have taken "their side". No side was taken at all. The court was unable to justify, based on the principles America is supposed to represent, any law that does not apply to everybody. The Texas law did single out gays. But it goes further into the area of privacy. So even if a state's law covered heterosexual couples, they are still consenting adults cannot be coerced into a particular religious morality by the state.
Originally posted by danoff
Black people should be rioting all over the place about the government sactioned racism that is affirmative action. It's a big step back for the african american community.
Some people feel important when they are patronized.
I don't know. They get what they think they need with no regard for consequences whether their's or someone elses. They think they deserve it. My wife is a social worker. She works for the state as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. She hates it. She's the office supervisor and now that she deals less with losers who believe they are entitled to everything, she deals with employees who are the same. Like the mentally ill lesbian who had to have an ergonomic $1200.00 desk chair for her big fat ass and now thinks she needs hearing aids but refuses to get a hearing test. The state has also paid to counsel her screwed up life. Budget deficit? Sure! Have a $1200.00 chair? Don't want to get out of bed? We'll pay for you to talk about it with a professional (paid "friend"). We always sit around and rip on these pathetic people.

Another good example is how one of my wife's coworkers deals with his "consumers". They call and say they need help getting a job because of some "disability" (including drug addiction). He learns what he needs to know from them, and says "I can find you a job right now. You could start tomorrow." And he never hears from them again.
Originally posted by milefile
I don't know. They get what they think they need with no regard for consequences whether their's or someone elses. They think they deserve it. My wife is a social worker. She works for the state as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. She hates it. She's the office supervisor and now that she deals less with losers who believe they are entitled to everything, she deals with employees who are the same. Like the mentally ill lesbian who had to have an ergonomic $1200.00 desk chair for her big fat ass and now thinks she needs hearing aids but refuses to get a hearing test. The state has also paid to counsel her screwed up life. Budget deficit? Sure! Have a $1200.00 chair? Don't want to get out of bed? We'll pay for you to talk about it with a professional (paid "friend"). We always sit around and rip on these pathetic people.

Another good example is how one of my wife's coworkers deals with his "consumers". They call and say they need help getting a job because of some "disability" (including drug addiction). He learns what he needs to know from them, and says "I can find you a job right now. You could start tomorrow." And he never hears from them again.

Just like our recent discussion in the health care topic,... people want all this crap cause they think they deserve it.

The professional "paid friend" was friggin classic,... comedic/realistic genious.... :cheers:

The only "disabled" people who "need" anything are those who cant function on their own. And, IMO, they still dont "deserve" my help....... damn that sounded rough, but it's true.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer

The only "disabled" people who "need" anything are those who cant function on their own. And, IMO, they still dont "deserve" my help....... damn that sounded rough, but it's true.

It sounds rough. But just because they don't deserve it doesn't mean they won't get it. Charity cases need to be more humble and less in my face. It's like the way you look at the floor when your parent is giving you money. Humility. Gratitude. You don't just get in their face ans threaten to call their supervisor if they're too slow.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
dabutt...... yes, dabutt,... it's now legal according to the Supreme Court of the United States of America,... whether your a guy with a guy or your ol' lady,... you can now legally take the dirt road home.... I'm so happy

:odd: Happy you can take it in the ass?:odd:

:confused: :) :D :lol: :yuck:
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
:odd: Happy you can take it in the ass?:odd:

:confused: :) :D :lol: :yuck:

{-RER stares at quite possibly, the most rediculous post he's ever seen,.... thinks to himself,.... Mopar Muscle must have no life if he's searching through pages of 5 month old topics-}
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
{-RER stares at quite possibly, the most rediculous post he's ever seen,.... thinks to himself,.... Mopar Muscle must have no life if he's searching through pages of 5 month old topics-}

(Mopar Muscle thinking to himself. "That red eye racer guy is an idiot, he acuses me of having no life when he has 3,000+ more posts than me."
Originally posted by Super-Supra
Uhh, how would the law's actually know if someone was having Oral Sex?

because theyve got a camera in EVERYBODY's house, even the mexican taco stands:lol:

seriously though i really dont thats really just stupid:confused:
Originally posted by Super-Supra
Uhh, how would the law's actually know if someone was having Oral Sex?

they have attractive cops go to singles clubs under disguise. Then they lure you to their homes and into bed and see what you do 👍
Originally posted by emad
they have attractive cops go to singles clubs under disguise. Then they lure you to their homes and into bed and see what you do 👍
Unless they get photos, it's a "he said/she said" situation that won't stand up in court.
Originally posted by emad
they have attractive cops go to singles clubs under disguise. Then they lure you to their homes and into bed and see what you do 👍

No they don't. But then maybe in Canada...

Why do you insist on saying the most absurd things?
First of all, don't flatter yourself.

Secondly, it's a forum. That's the point. And when you continually post the most amazingly ridiculous, paranoid drivel out there, I can't help but take a shot. You bring it on yourself.
its always puzzled me as to why any man would want to 'take the dirt road home' as it was put, or to shag a burd in the anus...

there are far more pleasurable places to stuff it....and its not that far a trip from the starfish....