Do sport races have dynamic weather?

  • Thread starter DozUk
Hi, has anyone encountered dynamic weather on any of the sport races? Both race B and race C a low for full wets and intermediates but having ran tons of laps of each I'm yet to encounter any sort of rain.

Would be a fantastic addition to strategy on these races if truly dynamic weather was included
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I think it would be pretty funny if the percentage chance for rain on Race B was 0.0001% or something.
Imagine being all confident, then on Sunday during your 100th race of the week it lashes it down
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Yeah the FIA race today had dynamic weather, I haven't played it yet but I watched a couple streamers play and it looked incredible. Added so much excitement to the race, especially with FIA races because of the live qualifying, which also had dynamic weather.

One of the races I watched the rain got steadily worse during qualifying so the people at the front of the grid were essentially just whoever put in laps first, which meant the field was very out of order in terms of actual pace. It made the race so entertaining. Felt like real motorsport lol.