Do you give blood?

  • Thread starter Thatman

Do you give blood?

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A Man Hamster
I do, well sort of. I give platelets. But as you should know the two most common forms of giving blood is whole blood and platelets.

I go with platelets because its 2 hours that I can watch a movie, have as many free cookies and apple/orange juice that I want.

I stopped doing whole blood because your *supposed* to wait 3 months or so.

So what do my fellow GTPers do?:)
Had Hepatitis in HS, wasn't supposed to give after that. Don't know if I'd qualify now.
Well, whenever I go in they always make me fill out a questionnaire asking about that kinda stuff, I assume you still may be able to. :P
The concept of losing that much blood freaks me out. Even though I know it's safe I can't bring myself to do it.
I'm underage, but I do see it as an opportunity to help people AND not lose an organ. I almost definitely will as soon as I can. (My school has won the 'Vampire Shield' 3 years running. So it's quite easy to sign up for it.)
Was this thread in any way inspired by all the vampire media that has come across society lately? :P

On a serious note yes I have given blood (last time I did it was a couple of years ago in high school - plenty of donors from my school then because it was a legitimate way to miss a class or two :lol:).

Question about donating blood - I think I heard or read somewhere that some endurance athletes (long distance cyclists) were given some sort of temporary ban because they did it to improve their performance? If anyone can shed light on this without making the thread go too off topic it will be greatly appreciated :D
As an hereditary genetic elite - O Negative, the universal donor - I've long felt it incumbent to donate blood. That was until the technician bungled the job and ignored my problem for 15 minutes. Haven't been back since.
Can't because of my past, but my Grandma and some other family members go on a normal basis.
No but I should because it's not only beneficial to society and to people in need but for me as well because giving blood gives the organism the opportunity to produce new revamped blood.
I don't at the moment, but I am considering donation in the future.
I can't give blood yet (under age). However I HATE needles, and faint if someone starts a long conversation about blood and gore. I will try to give blood as it seems like a really good cause, however I don't know if I would manage it.
I've tried several times to give blood, and they never manage to get a full unit. If it's less than half a unit they just throw it out, and after 45 minutes in the chair I often get internal bleeding at the insertion site. A couple times I haven't been able to bend my arm afterward. I would love to be able to donate, but my tubes just aren't up to it.
Was this thread in any way inspired by all the vampire media that has come across society lately? :P

On a serious note yes I have given blood (last time I did it was a couple of years ago in high school - plenty of donors from my school then because it was a legitimate way to miss a class or two :lol:).

No, it wasn't even though whenever I go to do platelets my GF refers to them as the "bloodsuckers" instead of Mayo.

But yeah, in high school AND work you can legitimately leave and give blood and not get any repercussion while at school or work. At least around here...

I've tried several times to give blood, and they never manage to get a full unit. If it's less than half a unit they just throw it out, and after 45 minutes in the chair I often get internal bleeding at the insertion site. A couple times I haven't been able to bend my arm afterward. I would love to be able to donate, but my tubes just aren't up to it.

Yeesh, sounds like they need to get an IR machine on you. Or at least thats what I think its called, basically it make your veins "pop out" not literally but to the eye they do. Not only that, if it sounds that bad, perhaps your not drinking enough water, since that does make you "flow" better.

And Im curious, whats the age limit where everyone lives, i mean here its 18, so during high school I did it every-time they were around. Until I knew I could give platelets.I know I got a gallon pin awhile ago. :D
They should pay you for blood, and they should do a much better job of getting it. People I know who give blood complain about the terrible quality of the blood draw (bruising, multiple stabs, multiple arms tried etc.). It leads many people to stop donating. I know one person in particular who has O negative and gets harassing phone calls and letters.

How about instead of harassment, they offer payment? The large supply of donators leads to feelings of entitlement, and poor customer service. All of that being said they still wouldn't get me near a bloodbank because I have issues with seeing my own blood.
I know one person in particular who has O negative and gets harassing phone calls and letters.
Assuming you're not talking about me, then this seems to be a universal truth :yuck:

I'm O neg and around the time I'm due to donate will get a letter reminding me it's time to donate. If I don't respond immediately, I'll get another and another giving lots of statistics and the like, and almost pleading with me to make an appointment to donate.

I called the Blood Service in October to advise that I'd be travelling to the US and I was aware that on my return, I wouldn't be able to donate for a month due to the possibility of contracting West Nile virus. I was told I couldn't donate early (I was literally 2 days off their 16 week limit) and was there any way I could donate before Xmas? I told them it wouldn't be until early 2011 (cue some begging and pleading) but eventually the person on the phone accepted this and hung up. And then the letters started. If I'd not worked in A&E and if I wasn't aware of the difference O negative makes to adults and children alike, then I'd have yelled a big "screw you" to the Blood Service and not donated again :rolleyes:

Anyway, I do give blood and I'm up to 24 donations. Due to one reason or another, that number has taken me 14 years!
They should pay you for blood, and they should do a much better job of getting it.


Do the same thing for organ transplants and you'll see the list fill and the donor time shrink. In a market like this; everyone would win (doctors, patients, donors, families, insurance providers, etc).

I have AB+ blood. Not much of a market for that stuff...
I do give blood, and will continue to do so, but I struggle to find the time to be honest.

My boss actively encourages it throughout our company, but few do, normally citing a fear of needles, but I get the impression it is laziness or they some how feel they are owed something for donating... but then most of them are on tax credits and have that mentality.

To be honest I normally feel rubbish afterwards.. I do bruise and I do get a head ache.. but it's a small price to pay if you know people that have been on the receiving end. I personally couldn't look some people in the eye if me wussing out of a little bit of discomfort for an hour or so could allow someone's life to end prematurely.
I don't mind the sight of blood but I have trypanophobia/aichmophobia/belonephobia/enetophobia/the fear of needles/whatever you want to call it. So I don't.
Well, as far as I know, there are places that pay you for blood.(at least in the twin cities) But at Mayo like I said, I get cookies and drinks and then after like 10 or 15 donations you get like a gift of your choice be it a blanket, t-shirt or mug ect...

Although I have a super common 0+ blood type so if I haven't been in, they call me.

But, yeah I definitely agree about the time part...takes away from my video games!!!
I did a few times in high school, and I try to in college when ever the blood van shows up outside campus. I always get that sense of satisfaction knowing that I've helped someone who truly needs it. And the free cookies and kool-aid aren't bad either!
I can't give blood yet (under age). However I HATE needles, and faint if someone starts a long conversation about blood and gore. I will try to give blood as it seems like a really good cause, however I don't know if I would manage it.

I'm the exact same way. I'd love to give blood, but I know I'd faint while just standing in line waiting to give some. It's probably best I don't create a huge scene that might scare others away.

By the way is there a name for this type of condition, where you faint just by listing to a bloody story? Or am I just a wimp? :nervous:
Maybe its some form of hemophobia? Sorta-maybe?

To be honest I'm not super surprised by the results right now....still interesting though.
I've donated 9 units to date, was hoping to get my 10th out the way before christmas but I'm getting messed about by NHS waiting list at the moment (it's cosmetic so I can't complain) so have been unable to donate.

Would love to give platelets, but they want a commitment, and the only time I have months available is summer when ideally I tend to go on holiday.
No I do not, however if there was some way I could be sedated (or whatever word that means put to sleep for a while) I would do it, also if getting paid for it was an option...

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