Do you obey traffic laws in GTA?

Do you obey traffic laws in GTA?

  • YES

    Votes: 33 38.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 53 61.6%

  • Total voters
We had some debate on other forum and one person keeps telling others that he obeys every single traffic signal in GTA and that driving around like crazy is boring and not fun.

Tell me, do you obey traffic laws?
While playing Grand Theft Auto, I do sometimes obey traffic laws. However, for the most part, I drive it like I stole it because I usually have!
I have before, I liked it. Except the part where I'd be stopped at a red light and get rear ended or have people try to pass me and honk wildy.
Only time that I would obey laws like that is if I'm flying, doing a proper approach and everything.
Yes, I also give to charity, help old ladies across the street and don't shoot people on gta. Umm, where's the sarcasm button on an iphone?
No for the most part, because you can do it in the game and not real life.

Sometimes I will drive like a normal citizen when I don't feel like driving without rules. The feel of emulating real life in a video game is strange, but a somewhat comforting experience.
Sometimes when I'm pretending to spy somebody I do. Otherwise the streets look pretty much like a bombed toilet when I'm done :)
I do for the most part. Except when the quickest way to where I want to go is down a one-way street the wrong way. Then all bets are off.
I have before, I liked it. Except the part where I'd be stopped at a red light and get rear ended or have people try to pass me and honk wildy.

I know what you mean... it's such a pain, if the traffic wouldn't keep bumping me at traffic lights I wouldn't lose patience after 5 minutes of correct law driving, go out of the caR AND SHOOT DOWN THESE 🤬 🤬 DRIVERS 🤬 🤬 🤬!!!!!!!!!! :grumpy:
So, for the most part, not really. Or I do... while shooting down people out of the car at red traffic lights. :lol:

Or I just open an online lobby with a friend who obeys traffic laws too, set it to parked traffic only and enjoy still getting rammed by him because of lag...
The sad thing is that the AI doesn't always obey traffic laws so even if I am doing so I could still get hit and if its by a taxi, pulled out of my car. Usually when that happens I run to another taxi, jump on the roof near the passenger door, and let one cabbie punch another as the cops come and arrest them.
I'd say "No" for the most part as I'm usualy going sideways in my beautiful vigero :drool:. (Cause I can't in my real car, a Ford Fiesta :()

Although sometimes online me and my mates do a sorta cops and robbers thing, instead of gun fights etc the cops can monitor the normal drivers and pull them over if any laws are broken for e.g wheel spinning from lights or speeding. The driver can then run until his car is destroied and he is arrested or pull over and take his punishment for the offence which is being shot once (loss of 2 points on the circle health bar) which will eventualy kill him. (Sorta like a temp ban from driving if enough offences are commited)

It's quite fun and gives the game a little more than just going around and killing everything you see.. :)
By "right" you mean left? Since you drive on the left in England you must be obeying the "right" laws :lol:.

Exactly so technically I follow rules but the subtle irony is this makes me a BAD British driver.
The great thing is you can drive on the left in GTA if you put traffic parked like your in the uk :sly:.
Most of the time I stick to the traffic laws, to an extent. That extent is when I get frustrated by one of many annoyances that occur when I try to have a nice drive. For instance, the AI's constant attempts to overtake you at a stoplight. It always seems to end with me getting rear-ended. There's only so much of that I can take until I just step on the gas and get the hell out of there. There's also the speed that the AI drives at, or lack of it. Whenever I'm on one of Liberty City's highways, I always end up finding myself stuck between two taxis hogging both the lanes, traveling at a steady 3 mph. Even worse is if you so happen to pass an onramp, then all hell breaks loose. The cars on the highway slam on their brakes and refuse to get going again after the one car that needed to merge onto the road merged and drove off. Only after several honks of the horn and revs of the engine do they return to their pace of 3 mph. Ridiculous.
Another thing that bugs me is the inconstancy of the traffic in Liberty City. If I drive down one of the largest roads in Algonquin, I'm lucky to see maybe 5 other cars. Meanwhile, if I go to the suburbs of West Dyke, all the streets are in a never-ending gridlock. What the hell. The last thing that makes driving a chore are the ambulances. They're loud, they're big, and they cannot drive for the life of them. Back into a wall, inch forward, back up again, inch forward, knock a streetlamp down, inch forward. It's awful to watch. Almost every time I find myself in the company of one of these, I end up bombing it. :indiff:

But if for some reason I'm in a tolerant mood, I can cruise for hours.
After getting frustrated at GTAIV again recently, I bought and tried Midnight Club Los Angeles which, as most might know, is from Rockstar Games too and about as old as IV, and I gotta say, if the traffic in GTA V will be behaving as they do in MCLA I'm totally fine with it. Honking is still very common but they at least seem to notice there is somebody in front of them when they sit at a red traffic light. They don't overtake, usually I am the one overtaking them and then, at the next intersection, braking a little, little too late (when I'm cruising a bit "quicker", but still roughly obeying the law) and bumping them from behind. The good thing is, they don't get out and pull you out of your car like GTA's infamous taxi drivers, they honk, than they live on and drive away. I can get a quick repair at any gas station or I total my car (then it gets repaired automatically in free drive), pretty awesome, finally no more I-need-to-steal-a-new-car-and-evade-the-cops after destroying the previous one because of the horrible AI traffic. Also there is an actual speedometer and the speed limit is shown on your HUD all time, if you speed and crash cops chase you, but they don't shoot you down, the either pull you over or, if you decide to run, they start a pursuit, which you can either end in 3 minutes if you're not interested by flooring it on the highway or you have some fun and let them chase you through the city for 20 minutes, that's more fun than you might think, they are really clever at pit manoeuvring you and keep on your tail almost all time if you let them.

Long story short, I got MCLA Complete Edition for 20€ and I'm very satisfied with it, it's better for cruising and feels even more realistic than GTAIV (imagine an arcadey version of the GT5 handling with racing supersoft tyres).
Oh, did I mention it has a - pretty nice looking - cockpit view in all cars? And some nice sounding engines, at least on the upper class cars? I prefer it a lot over GTA for cruising in a free city now.

I'm off, cruising through Hollywood in my Gallardo...