Do you want a full Gran Turismo HD game?

Do you want a full Gran Turismo HD game this year?

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Tenacious D

GT5 Standard rapscallion
United States
Nigel Fox
GT HD as a full game is being kicked around once again, thanks to the vague, confusing messages coming from Kazunori-dono himself, as well as others in Sony. Since E3 is just around the corner and I'm pretty sure interest in Gran Turismo is intensifying, I thought I'd ask our fellow board surfers what they thought of the GT HD game idea resurfacing. IF such a thing were to happen, there are a few issues which I foresee.

Gran turismo HD
  • The release date will be fall/holiday season 2007.
  • There will be upgraded physics.
  • There will be lots of cars and tracks, and more cars in races.
  • There MAY be a paint shop, body kit shop and decals.
  • There MAY be online tools for creating single races, limited race series, tournaments, along with all the car restrictions, laps, prizes, etc.
  • There MAY be limited full GT5 content, physics and graphics.
  • There MAY be limited content on the disc, the rest to be downloaded in DLC packs.
  • There will be NO damage, and probably never will be even with DLC.
  • It will be much like GT4.

Gran turismo 5 Prologue
  • The release date will be fall/holiday season 2007.
  • There will be full GT5 content, limited to selected cars, tracks and races.
  • There will be greatly upgraded physics and probably bot A.I.
  • There will be some sort of online component, including racing.
  • There MAY be a paint shop, body kit shop and decals.
  • There will probably be NO downloadables, or damage.
  • It will be short.

Gran turismo 5
  • The release date will be fall/holiday season 2008.
  • There will be full GT5 content, obviously.
  • There will be greatly upgraded physics and bot A.I.
  • There will be lots of cars and tracks, and more cars in races.
  • There will be a paint shop, body kit shop and decals.
  • There will be online tools for creating single races, limited race series, tournaments, along with all the car restrictions, laps, prizes, etc.
  • There MAY be substantial but limited content on the disc, the rest to be downloaded in DLC packs.
  • There will be NO damage for street cars initially, perhaps not even for race cars. If so, a patch will be provided when Kazunori thinks it's good enough.

I would still be happy with a full Gran Turismo HD game, like a GT4.5, with better physics, graphics, race modding, body kits, paint shop, plenty of cars on track on or offline, with a hefty online gameplay component. It might push GT5 back a few months, but I'm not sure that Forza 2 is enough to keep me happy for 16 months like GT4 did.
-> I picked on #3, whichever PD produces will be fine with me. As long as (hopefully) my WRX wagon will be included in those games. :)
Give me GT4HD if it has online!
Racing online, is what drives me to play racing games, Ive long since past the need to beat BOT Ai.
The fact that GT4 had its online element removed, took much of my desire to play the game, such to the fact i barely completed 20%, and of that 20% i only needed to drive and tune good enough to win, which isnt too hard against bots.
Online racing makes me want to progress through a game to attain cash and cars, which i can then spend hours tuning and testing, and perfecting my driving style in order to compete against those who are like minded.

So given i havent comitted a great deal of time to GT4, a HD version with online would be enough for me,giving me reason enough to fully exploreandpush the title, and allow PD to fully develop and explore the PS3 and GT5 even if that takes another 2 years to get right, after all the core elements of the driving in GT4 are comparable to most anything else, with the exception of hardcore PCsims, it just needs a community to use it in.

With over 25 years of playing most every notable driving game, starting way back on a ZX Spectrum, i need something that delivers on the satisfaction level, and for that i need to be able to race against real drivers, who will push to and beyond the limits, in a way that no Bot AI even comes close too.
I want the physics to be as real as possible, and accept that advances come as technology progresses (that is why i look forward to GT5, I dont want it to be a tweak of GT4, That was a tweak of gt3,2,1 the PS3 has enough power to allow for a complete rebuild and I would like KY to make use of it and take the time necessary), i also accept that it will never be trully real, for that ive done track days, and supercar days, im never going to be in a race team, I just want something thats realistic enough to enjoy with others, as seriously or lightly as we want to take it.
I say if they are going to release game in between GT5 let it be Prologue, but I'm not gonna get either. I will stand my ground and wait patiently for the real deal "Gran Turismo 5". I hate watered down versions of anything for example diet coke, I like original coke ;)
Whatever they do Sony need to clear up the confusion at the moment. Hopefully E3 will shed some light on whats going on at PD.

Sony we need some idea of a solid direction with this game considering it's one of the biggest franshises you have.
GTHD will not entice me to shell out $600 for a PS3 (and another $300 or so for a G25). Whether DLC is a plus or minus depends entirely on the pricing structure, and I suspect it's more likely to be a minus than a plus.
^ We don't know. It might make more sense for it to be something like a $19.95 Blu-ray, as it would benefit a lot of businesses and increase Blu-ray production, but hopefully we'll know by E3 next week.
The release of GT5 could be my deciding factor whether i should buy a PS3 or not.I can play any version of GT,whether its GT:HD full,GT5 Prologue or even one of those "GT concept" games.As long as its enjoyable,i'll play it over any game,any time ;)
GT HTD would be my vote but only if 20 cars on track and lots of online racing options. Also the online racing would need to be good in regards to frame rates and all that stuff, minimal to almost no lag. Huge plus if you could create your own single races and race series and choose from a huge number or restrictions to make the competition fun and exciting. Lap leader boards for say a dozen or more car classes would also be fun. Maybe even trade cars with friends online. Basically upgraded GT4 with many of the annoyances fixed would be great and one that I would buy. I imagine that with larger car fields the GT world races would be restructured to take larger car fields into account. Heck even if GT HTD was released with just online and arcade with all cars unlocked I would be willing to pay a little over half the price of a new PS3 game.
I say if they are going to release game in between GT5 let it be Prologue, but I'm not gonna get either. I will stand my ground and wait patiently for the real deal "Gran Turismo 5". I hate watered down versions of anything for example diet coke, I like original coke ;)

well said, but i'm not that strong, if i can have a GT game with "Playstation 3" written on it in my collection i wouldn't miss it.
I'd like to see the GTHD/upgraded GT4 deal. I'd say GT5 is farther away than December '08 anyway, so I'd rather have a "freshened" game that will keep me occupied for 18 months than have a shorter peek at the what I'll eventually be buying anyway.

If I heard correctly today, Sony is dropping the price of the PS3 by $100. If a GTHD type game with content similar to the specs listed in the poll was introduced, I'd be getting that PS3 Sony so desparately wants me to buy. Until then, I'm good with GT4 and the Wii.
well said, but i'm not that strong, if i can have a GT game with "Playstation 3" written on it in my collection i wouldn't miss it.

Oh don't get me wrong I will take anything Gran Turismo related as long as its free (GTHD) but I'm not gonna be a sucker :dunce: and spend more money on little parts of the real game. All that money adds up you know then it's too much. I've still yet to buy ps3 and HDTV 1080p.... oh yeah and HDMI monster cable :dunce: ( I guess I am a sucker after all) I just want this setup so badly. Couple more months and it's reality :sly: Besides GT5 of course, unfortunately. :(

"Gran Turismo 4 - HD"

- Take GT4
- Render in HD
- Increase number of cars from 6 to 20
- Add online racing

Sell for $50AUD (~$30US) and make it a launch game for the PS3.


Too late for that now!

There doesn't seem to be any 'roadmap' for the GT series at the moment. Perhaps Sony/PD will enlighten us at E3 with more concrete information.
Guess some people are easily impressed hu.

I'm so unimpressed with the release plan for GT that I went ahead and bought an xbox as well... If GTHD is just an updated version of GT4 it should have been out long ago to keep people from defecting to xbox.

I'll hold my breath and get GT5 in 2011-12 (expected PAL release date), but at the moment the European PS3 is twice as expensive as the US one... with no plans to reduce that, so I just cba.
I'm so unimpressed with the release plan for GT that I went ahead and bought an xbox as well... If GTHD is just an updated version of GT4 it should have been out long ago to keep people from defecting to xbox.

I'll hold my breath and get GT5 in 2011-12 (expected PAL release date), but at the moment the European PS3 is twice as expensive as the US one... with no plans to reduce that, so I just cba.

i would guess March 2009