Dodge Challenger R/T RM '70

When in need of a classic muscle car, I've found the Dodge Challenger R/T '70 suited quite well. Initially a number of issues with handling and top speed vs transmission, and when upgraded a tendency for the rear tyres to want to take off on their own... but with a bit of tuning (and getting the Race Modification - expensive!) I've found a setup that works pretty well for me (and the B Spec team).

Still definitely a Work In Progress, but thought I'd share just in case it suits anyone else's driving style:

Challenger R/T RM '70

Upgrades: All top, first get Race Modification (and then a re-paint...heheh...). (788BHP / 5400rpm, 111kgfm / 4900rpm, 1260kg)

Driving Aids: ABS 1 only

Downforce: 20 / 28

Transmission (FC)
Max Speed: 211

Drivetrain - FC LSD
Init: 0 / 6
Accel: 0 / 20
Braking: 0 / 15

Suspension (FC Kit)
Ride: -20 / -25
Spring: 10.2 / 13.7
Dmprs (E): 5 / 4
Dmprs (C): 3 / 3
ARB: 1 / 2
Camber: 0.2 / 0.2
Toe: -0.20 / 0.20

BBalance: 5 / 5

Still has a bit of a tendency to spin the rear tyres, but more than manageable with a bit of care. With counter-adjustments in springs, thought perhaps that lowering the rear more than the front would start the car off from a standstill with a little more weight towards the rear/centre of the vehicle to help those tyres stay stuck on the road early in acceleration. But then, I'm a complete n00b so could be completely misunderstanding the physics involved - happy to be corrected. In any case, found it a significant improvement over stock, personally. ;)

Standard Disclaimer
I'm a complete n00b - no delusions of being a proper GT5 tuner or racer, merely sharing. My tunes are organic (and probably misinformed) - they're changing/improving/deteriorating at probably the same pace as my driving skill. As such, I have no real idea how they'll perform for people that know more about what they're doing. All I can say with certainty is that I've enjoyed driving with these more than stock settings - at the very least hopefully they'll work well for people of a skill level similar to my own.

Feedback and/or suggested improvements more than welcome!
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