Does anyone know the driver Xyle?

  • Thread starter slthree
United States
Fact Central Florida
I was in the daily race today at Watkins Glenn. I almost never race online because it gets frustrating when dirty drivers ruin my race. That, and I'm not up to the skill level of most of you.

Today I hit "Xyle" from behind because I missed my braking point as I am not an overly skilled driver and I was not very familiar with the car or the track.

I desperately want to apologize to him/her because I know what it feels like to have your race ruined.

I did find that name on a search using the PS5's messaging and I crafted a message apologizing and explaining how bad I felt for ruining their race.

But I wasn't able to send it because that user has a completely private profile that doesn't accept messages.

I know it's a shot in the dark and I don't even know if this is a kind of thing I'm allowed to post but because I'm only calling out MY mistake I'm hoping it's okay.

If anyone knows that racer would you connect me with them or would you send my apologies, please?
If you're able to find their GT7 profile in game again and they have any photos etc. in their gallery you could leave a comment there.
Much respect to you for taking the time to apologize in public. Hope Xyle sees this!
Thank you. My wife doesn't understand why it's so important for me to apologize but we all play for the love of racing and to get away from the real world and nobody wants their race ruined.
If you're able to find their GT7 profile in game again and they have any photos etc. in their gallery you could leave a comment there.
Great idea. Is there somewhere in the game where I can do a profile search? I'm not even sure if that's his actual username or just his nickname.

I obviously saved the replay so I could identify the person I hit in order to apologize but you can't switch between username and nickname in a replay.
I couldn't think of a way you could do it unfortunately, you did mention you found them on PSN was that not under their full profile name?