Does GT5 affect your relationship

  • Thread starter paulsie99

does playing gt5 affect your relationship?

  • yes

    Votes: 63 34.6%
  • no

    Votes: 119 65.4%

  • Total voters
My first post on GTPlanet, so first things first: A nice hello to everyone! ... I bought GT5 and a G25 wheel while my gf was out of the city on vacation, which gave me about a good week of non-stop fun. But anyway she knows I am into gaming, and in general has no issues with that.

Right after she came back of course she noticed the setup and was like 'whoa what's THAT?' Well I explained my love-history with the GT series and that with a proper wheel its a bout as close to real driving as it gets. So she was like 'whoa so I could actually learn how to drive a car with this game?' Needless to say it hooked her since day 1. We are now about reaching the point in the game where the endurance races come up we already made plans driving the 24 hour Nur endurance in shifts like a real race team. She still needs quite a bit of training though. The game is good for our relationship as I just gifted her a Lamborghini Gallardo and a Honda S2000 yesterday. Made her more happy than chocolates and flowers, seriously!

Consider me a lucky guy ;)
Maybe you should spend more time with the woman you married instead of playing GT5 then?!

I,ll agree with you there. Really how old are some of these people choosing Gt5 over their significant other? As for the girl that snapped disc "Good On Her" as far as my relationship goes my girl is first, no going around that. She will never compete against my PS3 or my PC gaming. so all you guys complaining about not enough GT time , Wake up give your head a shake and treat your girl the way she should be treated. Jeez! some of you guys are unbelieveable. Some of you guys probably don't deserve the girl you have. I myself am a fan of GT5 don't get me wrong guys as well as TDU, Forza, and the Simbin games. Always remember your girl comes first no and if or buts!
Maybe you get a "B-spec Bob Husband" for the misses? ^^

My gf isn't too happy either when I play to often.
But I mostly play when she's not around, or when she's on FB (that always keeps her busy for 1-2 hours)
crikey guys, just wanted to ask if playing gt5 affects your relationship, me and the wife spend more than enough time together, i play the game late at night when shes catching up on her studies or running her business, the main argument is the getting to bed late and being grouchy in the mornings, my wife bought me the game for christmas, after alot of hinting during the adverts

it annoys her that if im not running bob on b-spec or in the marketplace orginizing trades, im fully aware that gt5 is not real life, i am gonna buy the disc again but trim the amount of time i spend on it, its a shame because i just started showing the kids how to grind for daddy

Just started showing the kids how to grind for daddy ?

Are you for real ? its a game m8 you need a wake up call buddy

I'm married and have a couple of children but there is no way I would even think about teaching them how to grind for daddy its ridiculous , I think you need to step back at take a look at how obsessed you are with this " game"

If your wife has snapped the disc she is clearly fed up with the amount of time you are spending on it and honestly I dont blame her and now your getting your kids to do it also :boggled:
I suppose that, as with all things, balance and moderation are important...

I find a nice dinner once every fortnight earns me enough credits to spend the rest of my weekday evenings playing. Taking the kids and dog for a walk in the park on Sunday morning usually gets me a Sunday afternoon & evening playing permit.

And if pushed into a debate on the matter, I use the following line:

"Well look at it this way darling: at least I am at home with you and the children. If I wasn't playing this Game, I might be out drinking and whoring."

And if it gets heated, I point out how much time she spends watching mind-meltingly banal television shows and reading equally asinine magazines.
This is a very sad thread, kinda reminds me of an AA meeting... not that I've ever been to one.
the game is supposed to take us out from day to day problems.Not generating more problems.Life is hard as it is, so I think you should try to play for less time and spend more time with your wife because she's the one who will be there for you when you need some comfort, the games, well it's just a game ....
I can top it all. I'm currently going through divorce! It's not related to GT5 but DAMN I can get some serious game time in when my baby daughter is asleep for the night. Makes me wonder when I actually sleep :/
Its weird my wife hates auto-grinding too she freaks out when I leave the system on over night. That is seriously how I play now I dropped B-Spec because I need to watch my bob and I never do A-Spec because my wife and I made the agreement that I can only play with the wheel on weekends :/
I just reduced my racing schedule to Fridays/Saturdays, with a bit of occasional racing and tuning on weekdays. My better half liked that and I´m ok with it.
My God, some of you guys are really whipped, hahaha.

My girlfriend doesn't matter that much that I play a lot, hell, she even bought me a DFGT for my birthday. Besides, if it isn't GT5 it'll be some other game that hogs all my time.
My God, some of you guys are really whipped, hahaha.

My girlfriend doesn't matter that much that I play a lot, hell, she even bought me a DFGT for my birthday. Besides, if it isn't GT5 it'll be some other game that hogs all my time.

Sad this is I love how dominate my wife is LOL
My God, some of you guys are really whipped, hahaha.

My girlfriend doesn't matter that much that I play a lot, hell, she even bought me a DFGT for my birthday. Besides, if it isn't GT5 it'll be some other game that hogs all my time.

My mrs bought my G27 for my birthday this year too so that's the thing you just have to make sure you have the right girl!
Nah, no affect at all. She is the one who plays more... Heck, she wants to grind Indy.... :D Kids cheering in the background..... LOL
My wife thinks I am addicted, but is ok with me playing the game, it is the coming to bed late (post trades) and being tired all day that is winding her up!

However, I am quite pleased with my multitasking abilities. Yesterday, I golded the Tokyo Ferrari F1 race with a sixaxis while standing up in front of the telly rocking my 4 week old daughter off to sleep.
I mostly play from 9 to 10 when Mrs IIC goes to bed. I'll sometimes have BSpec running while we're watching TV, and check it during the ad breaks. TBH I got a lot more hassle playing World of Warcraft on the PC in the office, at least when I'm playing GT5 the PS3 is in the same room as the TV, so we spending more time together, even if she's on her laptop and I'm watching TV or on the PS3. And I still spend less time playing GT5 than she does watching What Not to Project America's Next Top Gok Wan Celebrity Come Dine on Ice Factor.
The only thing that annoys my wife is the near constant B-Spec grinding.

She proper went off on one on Saturday (she's 9 months pregnant, so she tends to flip easily) when I had the PS3 on to grind 4hrs Nurb, my PC to torrent Boardwalk Empire and I was using the laptop to surf the web. She's threatening to fit a seperate 'leccy meter in my office.
Short answer: no. I don't take things too far, say what you want about being 'whipped' but I would rather have her and some GT5 than play GT5 too much and not have her! Simple as that, really.

I should point out that we don't live together, though, so when she's not at mine or I'm not at hers, I do play it maybe a bit too much...