Does Server + HiFi = Bad?


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
I'm looking to rearrange my study somewhat. Basically, at the moment, I have a computer desk, with hi-fi speakers on either side. Because of the magnetic shielding issues, I don't want to put the computers next to the speakers. Within the desk, in the area where my legs go, is a Dell Dimension minitower and a Compaq ProLiant 800 Tower. But since I acquired my ProLiant server, there's not enough room under the desk, and I keep kicking it, which is annoying.

So I thought that I could move the server to the chest of drawers that I have, which is currently acting as a stand for a 3-box Hi-Fi.

Does anybody know of any reason why I couldn't lay the server on its side, and then put the Hi-Fi on top of it? Total weight of the Hi-Fi equipment is about 30Kg, it consists of a receiver, minidisc deck and CD player (working from the top down). Cable reach isn't an issue, and I won't be needing to get into the server any time soon, so that isn't a problem either.

Any advice would be appreciated.
As long as the case itself is strong enough to support that weight, I see now problem.

I have no clue on anything about intereference or things similar though.
no sure if this is what are you talking about.

but i think you should buy a videoshielded speakers.

that mean the magneto of the speakers won't afect your monitor and won't crate and/or emit any kind of interference to any componet near of it.

note : i'm sure the shielded speakers won't afect the monitor ,but i'm not sure about the others componets ,make a litle research about it.

i hope that fix the problem.
Laying the server on it's side should be fine. Here at work we have our server on it's side. The weight of the HiFi is a factor though. I doubt it would matter unless its a dinosaur.

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