Does the car wash do anything?

  • Thread starter nerv2112
I can't seem to tell if the car wash does anything I have been looking for spots and stuff to see if they vanish after the wash but never can tell. My cars seem to be clean automatically at the end of enduros even. I have never washed a car before going into photo mode but see no dirt on them in the photos.

Seems in GT4 the car wash did next to nothing too.
Well, in GT4, no dirt got on your car at all if I'm not mistaken but in GT5, if you drive at least about 2 or so miles on a dirt track, the car gets dirty. GT5 has potential for the car wash.
I cant remember if it was GT3 or 4 but I remember seeing a difference after washing my car. there was no dirt on the car but it was not as shiny as a new car. It almost looked like it had a matte paint finish. After I washed it, the shine was restored
Get a carbon black car like the ford gt test 2 car, do a few runs on american indy, a daily ritual with me, or i have bob do it. After several runs you will notice "mud" on the back wheel wells, and if you look at the car carefully you will notice it is more gray looking than black. A quick wash up and the mud is gone and the car is a nice matte black again.

So yes cars do get dirty it seems far more apparent on black matte cars and the like than most other cars, but even bright colored cars will get a bit dull over time, it is just not as clearly visible as my matte black cars.
In the words of Mr Susan, "look at them shine, look at them shine, look at them shine, look at them shine".
Yeah, my Audi R10 stealth started to go matte, but i couldn't see any mud.
I personally think the car wash does nothing whatsoever to standard cars.

I have noticed a difference, just very small. They only get slightly more shiny afterwards like in GT4.
It has been noted in other threads that the dirt build-up is very slow in races (and in general), but to add to that, after the race, the car reverts to a much less dirty state.
Cycle this a few (hundred...) times and the car will eventually be minging when you start a race, too.

It has also been noted that the dirt does not show up at all in the garage view, but will in GT Auto and the demonstration.

There is supposedly an advantage, and I'm sure is absolutely correct in many situations in GT4, where washing the car can improve "aero-performance." Although, in the real world, there is some debate as to whether a perfectly shiny car is "better" than a slightly dirty one (in practice,) due to the effects of turbulence, flow separation etc. on things like drag and downforce. I'm no expert, so you'll have to do your own digging on this one ;)

But, as everyone else says, it makes your car very shiny indeed!
How can you not notice the difference in pure joy, once those car wash experts wash your car to that ''Amusement'' park music!

It always makes me smile.
Thing is, the cars don't "retain" the dirt after the races are finished. If they do, it is very slight. I did the 9 hour race and the car looked terrible. I go to wash it and it didn't even look dirty. Washing it added some shine, but there were no obvious marks from the race which were there during the race. Seems pointless in a sense.
Improves handling the same way that an oil change improves power but doesnt do anything visualy and those that say that it does its just their minds playing tricks on them.
Thing is, the cars don't "retain" the dirt after the races are finished. If they do, it is very slight. I did the 9 hour race and the car looked terrible. I go to wash it and it didn't even look dirty. Washing it added some shine, but there were no obvious marks from the race which were there during the race. Seems pointless in a sense.

They sure retain the dirt on my screen. The one thing they don't retain is bumps and scratches that are part of visual damage, not dirt.
The dirt was way more visible in GT4, If you are racing and go off of the track into the grass in GT5 dirt clouds appear,and it seems to not have any real affects on the vehicles appearance. Lets hope they fixe this in the next update!