Doom Iii

  • Thread starter CloneHead
Here's a couple of screenshots i thought i would share with you guys..


  • doomiii_02.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 74
That looks like a FMV.
I don't buy a game to see the FMVs.
I need some actual in game screenies.
No, those are FMVs.
If they were In game you'ed see a gun on bottom right, and a nice HUD of some sort.
i have seen the running demo, ive read about the game... it looks like that real time, i am positive of it, it is to have the most advanced graphics engine EVER, running on high end Geforce 4 cards, i heard that anything under a low end Geforce 3 wont even run it
It just doesn't make any sense, and if it's true, its really really really bad for sales of that game.
Not even me would buy a new 3D Accel card for that game (even tho I already have a Ti4600)
thats just a rumour i heard,
it really, really, REALLY is supposed tolook that good with a top end system... its supposed to be amazing, E3 PC game of the show for just about everyone
i think the same thing that it must be able to run half decent on lower end systems, it doesnt make sense to me either to make it only for top end comps
Yes, those ARE real time graphics and it is (it was) running on a GeForce 3. The newer shots are running on a Radeon 9500.
mista, i dont know why there is no gun or stuff in the pics, but they are telling us that thats in game and real time and thats what it looks like exactly when your playing
Its in game, FMV...
I'm not saying its a render or anything. Its a FMV
Like those movies that play in FF7, they looked alot better then the normal game.
Those are FMV.
That's the real time graphics MistaX, rendered in all their polygonal glory. The reason you don't see the gun is because it's a very early build of the game engine and only includes the basic game engine and a few models. (Look at the backgrounds, they are not as far along in the process as the character models)
And more that that, look at the joints... CGI hasn't had seperations at the joints for several years now, not to mention the jagged edges)
The tentative release date is 2003, but I wouldn't expect it until late 2003 or maybe even 2004. This is Id's flagship title and they are not going to be scaling back the graphics to accomdate people with slower PC's. Carmack has already stated that as fact. (And by the time it comes out it will have a much larger target audience due to another 1.5 - 2 years of PC upgrades.)
I'm so pumped for Doom 3... I remember playing DOom2 online with my friend for hours upon hours on end
You couldn't play it at E3.
I have a friend that went to E3.
You had to reserve a seat to watch the game being played.
You couldn't play it.

(I heard it crashed during one of the screenings.. :haha: )

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