Downloading PC Files to PS3 Web Browser

United States
Inland Empire SoCal
Found this on the net. Fantastic read; I have yet to try it.

The PlayStation 3 can support a variety of media formats that can be downloaded and stored on the internal Hard Drive using the PS3 built in Web Browser. The following files are supported:


Supported Files

MP3 Music files (.MP3)
AVC Encoded Video (.MP4)
MPEG1 Encoded Video Files (.MPG)
JPEG Picture files such as those taken from digital cameras (.JPG)

Unsupported Files

Windows media file format (.AVI,.WMV)
DivX or XVid Video files (You can use PS3Video9 to convert these)

Other Limitations

4GB File size limit, no media file can be larger then 4GB
FAT/FAT32 Format must be used for any USB Storage devices that connected to the PS3 ( CF Cards, USB Hard Drives, etc )

Web Server Setup

For the webserver we use Savant (

Setting up Savant on Windows

Download Savant ( and install it. Start the Savant webserver you may be prompted by the windows firewall that it's trying to access the internet, allow it. We will need to configure the server's "/" entry to the directory containing the media files you want to transfer to the PS3 and Save the settings.Click Configuration to get the config dialog and select the Paths tab. Edit the "/" entry to point to the directory containing the media files. Make sure you enable the "Allow Directory Listing" checkbox and click OK. Now select the Mime type and click "New Mime." Enter "MP4" for Extension and "video/mpeg" for Description. Apply the changes, and Close the settings dialog box by clicking OK. We should be all set. Now we just need the IP address of your windows PC if you already have that then skip ahead. To get your windows IP address, click "Start" then "Run" in the dialog box type in "cmd" and click ok, this will pull up a command line window
In the command line window type in "ipconfig" then enter and you should see the following output.

C:\Documents and Settings\spsobole>ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Downloading The Files using the PS3

Go to your PS3 and launch the Web Browser. Hit the Start Button on the controller to pull up the address entry
Type in "" (Use your Windows PC address instead of and hit Start on the controller 2 times. This should bring up the Webserver and Directory that we configured on your PC, and you should be able to browse your media files. Clicking on the media file with the X button should prompt you to download the file to the PS3, select the storage device. In most cases this will be the PS3 HD although you will also be able to select other Storage devices like USB Flash Drives that are connected to the PS3. Hit start to DL. Once all the files you want are downloaded exit the browser, and they should now show up in the XMB list under the appropriate Folder (Video,Music,Pictures.)

Trouble shooting

My .MP4 File won't download / I get garbage

You propably did not update the MIME type in the Savant configuration as described above. There must be an entry for "MP4" as "video/mpeg". The file must also end with a .mp4 extension ( IE: myvideo.mp4 )

PS3 States my audio or video file is corrupt or not supported

The PS3 supports a pretty limited set of media files. The video or mp3 file must be encoded in one of the supported formats. I recommend mp3 for music, and mp4 (AVC) as converted by PS3Video9 (

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