Dr. Pepper DLC Promo for NFS S2U

  • Thread starter JogoAsobi
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What the worst that can happen?

The worst would be the car being something actually good looking and fast...

I think most people are right the XBOX and EA are plotting against sony and DR pepper is pulling the strings... :dopey:
When the poor xbox guy realises his wheel is screwed he cracks open a tin and sings. "what's the worst that can happen".

.......... Then the RROD.
When the poor xbox guy realises his wheel is screwed he cracks open a tin and sings. "what's the worst that can happen".

.......... Then the RROD.

lololol... I shouldnt laught I have a Fat one and anything can happen :ill:
Great. Now we're going to get more of the "Xbox/MS has paid EA to not put this on PS3" conspiracy theories. When really the truth is probably that Sony made it difficult for them to implement the DLC in a simple way for PS3, so they told them they could shove it.

Roll on the tin foil hat brigade.
This is called "Microsoft paying someone a lot of money again." AKA: "Microsoft CHEATS!" but we already know this. MS is never afraid to fork out a few seven digit checks to get a leg up on the competition.
This is called "Microsoft paying someone a lot of money again." AKA: "Microsoft CHEATS!" but we already know this. MS is never afraid to fork out a few seven digit checks to get a leg up on the competition.

Whatever makes the costumers happy... maybe Sony should «cheat» a bit also... but when it comes to money...
They did that last time, with XBOX exclusive DLCs. Sucks for the PS3, except for wheel support. :lol:
This is called "Microsoft paying someone a lot of money again." AKA: "Microsoft CHEATS!" but we already know this. MS is never afraid to fork out a few seven digit checks to get a leg up on the competition.

Paying money? That's a novel concept. Maybe Sony should try a bit of that too. They could pay money to have an exclusive or something. Wait, wait, that would make them evil. Damn, can't do that.

Hey, who paid to get the DLC on PC then? Microsoft again? Or Intel? Wait, I know! The Flying Spaghetti Monster!
LMAO cheating, it's called smart business. Sony is who you need to direct your whines to, they're the ones not participating or promoting something else.
Maybe SONY is concerned that promoting S2U would hurt GT5 sales, since EA this time is really targeting GT5's market.

But that logic can't pass Microsoft promoting S2U (even the first Shift two years ago) when FM series is also the direct target.

Don't tell me SONY is playing "clean", they did dirty stuff in the past as well, e.g. customer privacy (SONY Music).

However, I'm surprised that PC is also getting the DLC which normally won't happen. :)
Maybe SONY is concerned that promoting S2U would hurt GT5 sales, since EA this time is really targeting GT5's market.

That would be a seriously dirty move, and would put off a lot of developers from working on the PS3. If making a game that's in direct competition with a Sony first party title led to Sony quietly giving the game the shaft, I think we'd see a lot of studios migrating pretty quickly to Xbox only.
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