Dream Car Championship : GT by Citroen Race Car

If you get gold in all of the "Dream Car Championship" events, do you get the "GT by Citroen Race Car" or do you have to get the car by winning the championsip itself?

I can't win "Like the Wind" but my Bob is whoopin' ass in the Dream Car Championship one at a time.
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you have to click the championship button and do them all after each other, i had to do poliphony digital cup twice because i clicked on them individualy and didnt get a prize car, it didnt even have a gold by the icon for it
you have to click the championship button and do them all after each other, i had to do poliphony digital cup twice because i clicked on them individualy and didnt get a prize car, it didnt even have a gold by the icon for it

ahhh crap...lol thanks