dream SOUNDTRACK list

  • Thread starter Sniffs
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we're waiting for the PS4
fishtailrook1 (?)
i was thinking, since the car line has been taken care of, how about the Soundtrack? i seem to remember there were a lot of complaints about too much hip-hop, etc in 4, and the kind of uselessness over the classicals (most of which weren't done orchestral, but in other formats)

my suggestions
Rebel Rouser (last Heard in Forrest Gump)
Walk, Don't run--Ventures (look it up, cool instrumental Surf Rock)
the original 99 luftbaloons (sp?)
at least one Beach Boys cut for an american race
a touch of J-pop
some good alt...something from old Stone Temple Pilots, creed, or more Rob Zombie...
and how about some more goodies from Europe or Australia? (just NO David Hasselhoff, please :P

i've heard that Jackie Chan sings, too, but they take it out of the american versions of his movies:ouch:
I'd like all the soundtracks from all the versions of Gran Turismo from all regions, even the limited editions if they had a unique song or two.

Jackie Chan sings?? Get that back into the movies! :dopey:
creed - alternative?
i don't think so...
but yeah some good rock like QOTSA, STP, RHCP and other bands that can be identified by initials ;)
Gotta agree with luftrofl.

But if that is not possible,these are my sugesstions:

Metallica: Fuel
White Zombie: Black Sunshine
Billy Idol: Speed
Overseer: Supermoves
Black Eyed Peas: Pump it Yes. I'm serious about that one.
Father: Machine
Kazzer: Pedal To The Metal
Prodigy: Voodo People
Prodigy: Serial Thrilla
Stratovarius: Speed Of Light

well,that's it.
Wow, Master Yoda was right. Call the press! :D

And since this is certainly a duplicate thread, let's continue the conversation in the already established thread.
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