Dream Team Is A Nightmare

Any team who names themselves 'The Dream Team' deserves a good stuffing!
Yeah I just saw it!

I miss the days of Ze Dream Team.
Shaq should play and show that he is the most dominating player in the WORLD.
The reason the US cant win is because nobody can shoot. Everyone want to be all streetball and flashy, while the art of shootig has been COMPLETELY lost. Just look at the foreign players like Nowitzki, guess what he can do? Shoot. As can almost everyone on nearly every non-US team. It's incredible that such an impotant part of the game is being lost.
When basketball was first introduced to the games the US were potent beating their opponents by 40+ points a game, but now the States just throws a team together full of NBA'ers a few weeks in advance and expects to win.
In that game against Puerto Rico it was so funny seeing the americans travel, shows they are not used of travelling being called in the NBA.
Looks like te rest of the world has caught up to the Americans and possible even passed them at actual skill.
The American's have been passed in many skill areas such as the fundamentals of shooting, screening, and cutting. The Americans are unable to win on athletic abilty alone. Get a guy like Larry Bird in todays game and he would tear apart the league.
First Dream Team was the only true Dream Team. Since then, they are nothing but an glorified all-stars(sometimes, even worse than that).
Years ago when I was really into Basketball the US "Dream team" would never lose, whats going on these days? We should make a GTPlanet team and would probably beat them. :D
Years ago when I was really into Basketball the US "Dream team" would never lose, whats going on these days? We should make a GTPlanet team and would probably beat them. :D

Teams from other country's are getting better too. They always had great shooting and passing. Now, that they've been watching and been exposed to NBA for a decade, They have learned toughness and defense. They are no longer intimidated by NBA players.

NBA players on the other hand, they forgot shooting, teamwork. They also have big enough egos, that when their country asks them to join the Olympic Team, they answer "no". When the first(only true) Dream Team was assembled, greatest players of all time were competing to get on the team, Isiah Thomas couldn't even get on the team, Clyde Drexler got on last minute by an miracle.