Drift Photo Competition - Should I put it here?

I was going to be starting this competition up again in the next few days, but with the new CCCL Competition from Rayquaza and Ultrashot thinking of starting the Rally competition again, I was wondering if I should put it here or not.

I was going to put it here due to this place getting a lot more views than the Drift Competition thread.

The competiton used to be run by GM, but after the interest went down, he stopped it. I thought it would do better here, and there still seems to be interest in it.

The rules are basically the same as the PMC, but with the addition of hue/saturation adjustments.

Here is a link to the Drift Photo Competition Restart - Interest, Comments, Suggestions and Ideas thread that I started in the drift section for more info.

Any thoughts you have I would love to hear.


Drift2XS 👍
I think it's a good idea to put it here if it will get more interest. I never took part in the photoshop comps because my lack of photoshop experience will put me at an immediate disadvantage, so it will be good to have a basic competition like this back.
Alright then, I will put it here. Just gonna wait to hear back from Swift about something.
Better get making some banners, got to make it look good. :D
I was wondering if there is anyone else that would be interested in this competition?
I know a few people are, but it doesn't seem enough to keep it going.
I was thinking of starting it up once the current tournament is over.
Tell me you thoughts. :)
Come on people, this was a really great comp once and still can be. Lets here your thoughts.
i've been waiting for something like this, since i can't enter the drift competitions, coz i dont have anyways of transferring my replays. i'm in this one for sure, i wish it was 2.0 rules, but then again PMC rules gives more people a chance to enter. i say we give it a go!! this is gonna be awesome!
I like the addition of hue/saturation adjustments, even though they might not come in that useful overall...I'll enter this when I have the time!
I'd be in for sure too. Drifting can make nice shots, and i've not been making drift shots a while, so this can give me a boost :D
Great to see that there is more interest in it. I will be sure to start it then, not sure when though. What do all of you think? I was thinking after the current Tournament. :D
Personally I say as as possible. The tournement isnt that big of a set back as there only will be 4 people left after this round so 4 isn't that much of a diffrence.
If U are saying the Photomode Tournament, don´t forget that the new "season" of the Photomode Tournament will start shortly after the current one is over. But don´t worry, I think people will enter the drift competition, its a very cool theme, and I think most of GTP members enjoy drift shots:tup:
Go ahead!!!
I'm in for sure.

And I don't think it'll colide with the tournament's entries, as long as it's PMC rules, ar around that, since it doesn't take long to get a pic ready for comp.
Yeah, only 4 people are going to do the final rounds, so maybe the best time to start would be now. :sly: 👍

I have never been in any drift related comp, I would definately try this. 👍
Great to see people are interested, I think I might start it in the next few days if I am not too busy. :D

Atlop: I would love to see drift shots from you.

Ultrashot: I think I will stick with PMC rules with the addition of hue/saturation adjust. You should enter anyway, I can't remember you entering a PMC comp. 👍
Well, hopefully in the next few days if I have the time. Which I should. :D
Was wondering on a theme, but I think I will just make the first one free theme.

I am glad you are looking forward to it Ray. 👍
Well, hopefully in the next few days if I have the time. Which I should. :D
Was wondering on a theme, but I think I will just make the first one free theme.

I am glad you are looking forward to it Ray. 👍

I surely am and i'm sure that other people are too!
Well, hopefully in the next few days if I have the time. Which I should. :D
Was wondering on a theme, but I think I will just make the first one free theme.

I am glad you are looking forward to it Ray. 👍

Yeah an open theme for the first week would be good.👍
Alright, sorry this comp isn't up yet. It will be very soon though. I just wanted to ask one more thing.
Should I run it like Ultra's Rally comp, with one week PMC rules, then the next 2.0?
The theme chooser could also pick the rules if they want too.
That would mean people like Ultra who like to have more tools available would be more likely to enter.
What do you guys think?