Drift Photomode Competition ~ Week 2 Poll Winner ~ Moglet



Week 2


This weeks them is Drift vs. Grip.

Have a car drifting with one or more cars racing in the shot.

Cars: Any
Track: Any


Please follow the rules.

~ Only vote once.
~ Do not vote for yourself.
~ Happy voting.


This poll will run for 7 days. The deadline is March 30.
Here is the poll, at least it is not huge like the last one. :D

Week 3 will be up as soon as I get the theme from LG.
Good thing it's no huge poll now :) M3_CSL got my vote for the idea behind the shot.
A tie between Mog and NTX, I really like both shots. But Mog gets my vote this time, love the composition, action and colour. Awesome shot. 👍

The poll is almost up so if anyone wants to vote who hasn't, Vote Now! :)
Moglet congrats!!! Your shot its way better than mine!!
Also congrats to the other members that entered, pretty cool entries IMO:tup:
Sorry, I am a little late.

Congratulations Moglet!

I will get Week 4 up as soon as Week 3 finishes and have the theme from Mog. 👍