drift versus grip ch. 2: laguna with a evo 4

  • Thread starter bengee
if you would like your results compared to others please pm me...

For this challenge the car will be a Mitsubishi evo IV. You may only use this car modded as you like with super slicks. The track will be laguna seca.

What you must submit.
1. lap time
2. sector times
3. entrance speed (what is listed as speed in analyzer mode)
4. average speed
5. driving style (for sector ONLY)
6. hp

The driving style will be categorized in the following ways...
A) employing the use of no slip angles. grip
B) employing the use of slight slip angles with little or no smoke or tire squeel. For the sake of no arguements we will call this drift 1
C) employing the use of slip angles with lots of smoke and tire squeel. drift 2

Laguna Seca sector key
1 = straight from finish line
2 = low speed U (two 90 degree turns)
3 = short straight
4 = medium speed corner
5 = short straight
6 = medium speed corner
7 = medium straight
8 = medium speed 90 degree corner
9 = short straight
10 = high speed corner
11 = medium straight
12 = corkscrew
13 = medium speed corner (slight downhill)
14 = short straight
15 = medium speed corner
16 = short straight
17 = low speed corner
18 = striaght to finish line

While you must submit the required information for each sector, these are the corners that will be "graded" corners (corners this challenge was created to analyze).

graded corners
A) sectors 2
B) secotrs 4
C) sector 6
D) sector 8
E) sector 10
F) sector 12
G) sector 13
H) sector 15
G) sector 17

The above may change slightly...

Now for the last aspect that must be explained, how the corners will be graded.

- First Place will be yeilded to the fastest corner time.
- However, if anyone is within the same tenth of a second for that corner, the exit speed will determine the winner.
- If however there is a tie here, the average speed will determine the winner.
- If however there is another tie here, the entrance speed will determine the winner.

For complete laps, the winning style will be determined by fastest time through the graded corners... Ties will be broken with highest average speed through the graded corners combined. (This is to prevent differences in top striaght away speed from playing a big roll). Ties will be broken with the actual lap times.

Please refrain from cheating, because you are only going to cheat yourself. This means no running on the grass and two wheels on the tarmac/rummble strip at all times. Please refrain from an unnecessary arguement (that is not this threads purpose).

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Videos or screen shots of the analyzer page will not be asked for unless you are unsubstantiatedly fast...

Hopefully more participants this time. I'll post my best results by the end of the weekend. Happy driving, everyone!
Again with the T8's? I think when you have less traction the respective difference between use of traction in the two different styles becomes much more apparent, as it will have a greater impact on the overall time. I think we should spend some time in the Super Slick - Medium range next.
Exactly what I was thinking, perg. I thought we would've been doing the lower traction tires next. No one has seemed to post their times yet, so maye it's not too late to change it, bengee.
ok i do not mind using super slicks... actually i was thinking of running the elise on super slicks (same track) too... what do you guys think... i will put some super slicks on this one... :D

exhaust... what about the rules do you not like...
It's 4WD anyway. Super slicks just make it more balanced for everyone. We could still have fun with the Elise if everyone's down for it.
I do not mind running several at once as long as people do not mind if hte results are posted a bit slower... Thio said he would help me... Most like i will stagger them by 5-7 days
w00 h00, the ball's starting to roll :D

I'll give it a shot when the weekend comes, bengee. I can't wait to run my Evo IV on Laguna :P
That's good, too, if it isn't too much trouble for you when compiling all the data. Also, if everyone actually tries all the challenges, then that would be great. Otherwise, I wouldn't want everything to be rushed.
Let me disclose my fastest lap time so far. It's about 1:25.5xx or so, using stage 3 turbo. I'll post sector times, etc. once I see that my time is one of the fastest, but I'll keep working on it this weekend.
I know it isn't that fast. But it's fast to me for now. I don't want to speak too soon because someone will probably beat my time their first time out. I probbably won't be able to retry this whole thing until Monday again. Happy driving everyone...
i have only had 30 minutes since my last post to attmept anything and most was tuning the car... and testing it out... i think light mr's spoiled me :D
I think that I only spent 30 minutes tuning the car as well, and the rest of the few hours I spent driving getting used to the lines. Maybe if I have a better tuned suspension I could get a better time. I did have to stop to go somewhere, so I already know that my time could be much better with this current setup. As always, the low speed U-turn is a make or break point. I found that the T2 needed some getting used to, and because of it, I also think that using Drift 2 for the first 90degrees of the turn can shave a few tenths or even seconds. Of course, you all probably know that already.
Well i have been playing around a bit today... i am running high 1'24 but i know i can get faster i am still having a harder time controlling the car like i want... dam 4wd...
Wish I could try it some more these next few days, but I'm going to be out of town. I'll see what I can get by Thursday. At least I know that my time isn't that slow yet. So are we the only two doing this?
cause everyone is going back to school and not many ppl did this anyways... where is everyone... so sad
Wow! This Lancer understeers like a *****! I am running a stage 3 turbo (490 hp) and fully modded suspension etc. So far I have managed just a 1:24.718. I had to jack the rear way up to get some weight on the front and it still understeers pretty bad. The left kink leading up to the corkscrew and the hairpin turn 1 are the killers for me so far. The car is just determined to go off the track! My trusty Evo VII never behaved this way! I also find it hard not to drift in this car. Though it understeers, the awd tends to break all 4 wheels loose mid-corner causing an immediate drift. Contollable yes, but not as smooth as I like. I'll continue to work at it. I know I can break 1:24 but doubt that I can ever get under 1:20 with this thing......
ok, I tried some more and came down to a 1:24.232. I'm still messing around with my settings, but am reasonably sure now that I cannot break 1:23 with the car as it is. I may be able to come down to the low '23's, but I doubt I can do a '22.
welcome to the race my firend...

too bad you came at a time where i do not have much time to race let alone moderate this thread... well i think we can extend the due date and everyone of them will now be oen for lets say a year or so...
Man, I've been out of GTP for the past week or two. It seems like not much has happened to this thread since then except for another person joining the race. I don't think I'll be able to participate in all the challenges upcoming for a while since I'll be working and going to school. All I know is that my 1:25.5xx is still the slowest here. The understeer isn't so bad on the Evo IV. The high speed left before the uphill to the corkscrew isn't so bad as long as you have the right line. How fast are you guys taking the corkscrew? Just for my own reference.

That's a good idea, though, bengee. Because of these following months of school and work, GT3 won't be as accessible. Openning for the year is good since most of the challenges should have enough participants by mid-summer next year. We'll see what happens. Maybe winter will have some results.