Drift Videos

  • Thread starter md0125
How do you guys make your drift movies? I can use a camera and video tape my tv, but it looks like **** so how do you guys set it up??? i have been doing some drifting and i would like to put a hi=res vid up like cudaman and everyone else who makes good videos. It would be sad if i couldn't do that. :(
TV Tuner Card. It's called Pinnacle PCTV. You can connect VCRs to it and watch TV on it also. $50 :) And I use a program called Adobe Premiere 6.5 to edit my videos.
The RCA connector for the video is connected to the TV Tuner Card. You can also connect your cable television cable to watch cable on your computer.

As for where to find it, I bought mine at a local electronic store called Fry's Electronics. I don't know if they are in your area, but they sure have lots of stuff. They also have an online store: www.outpost.com . You can go there and take a look if you want to :)
Thio can explain that more simple. Could i hook that up to a tv that has no vcr on it??? and does the board go inside the vcr???
The board goes inside the computer. You can't hook it up to a TV because the TV has no output. You can hook up your PS2 to the card though.
:embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed: so let me get this straight. You buy the TV Tuner Card put it in your pc howw it to your ps2 and then..............

Thats about all i know now. do u have to set it up or does it have a program or sumthin??? :confused:

Sorry for all the questions :rolleyes: