Drifting Challenges For Free Cars - Ends January 30th

United States
New York
Challenge One:
Track - Cote D'Azur better known as Monaco
Car - Nissan 370Z
Tires - Comfort Hard

Challenge Two: Basically you need to be God to get this perfect.
Track - The Nordschelife.
Car - Ruf BTR
Tires - Comfort hard

The rules:

1. This is a points challenge, even though the points system is flawed it is the only way to effectively do this. You need to do a full lap points challenge in practice mode.
2. The ENTIRE lap must be video taped (phone, capture card, w.e), whether you want to tape it as you're doing it, or as a replay does not matter.
3. Post the video to youtube, vimeo, or whatever video hosting site you prefer and post the link or embed it here.
4. Your car may be tuned however you want it to be, the only constant is the tires. They MUST be Comfort Hards for both challenges.

There are three car prizes per event. First place will have first pick of one car, second place has second pick of one car, and third place has the third pick of one car.

The prize list will not be posted until Friday due to my midterm schedule this week. But below, you'll get a clear cut idea of what the prizes are.

Challenge One Prizes:
1st Place: Any Premium car of your choice that I will fully mod if you want.

2nd Place: Any Premium car of your choice. It will not be modded.

3rd Place: Any 5 paints of your choice. I just ran a raffle which I received hundreds of paints on top of the 1000+ I already have.

Challenge Two:
1st place: Your choice of any car I have. If it's over the $1m limit and you want to trade/borrow glitch it, you may. I will also paint it a DLC color of your choice and fully mod it if you want.

2nd place: Your choice of any Premium or standard car under $1m (that I have) that I will also fully build for you if you want.

3rd place: Your choice of any Premium car under $1m that I will fully mod for you if you want.

The contest ends January 30th at 12AM. Any video posts made after that will not count. The cars and paints will be sent as soon as possible, and I will post a schedule of when each item is being sent and to whom it is being sent.

If three entries per challenge are not made, the same prizes and order will not change. So if only two people enter Challenge Two, those two people will win first and second.

I'm sure there's something I didn't say or a question you have that was unanswered, if so, please ask.