drifting explained

ever since i started drifting in gt5 i kind of found it hard to do, but after i accually tried it i found it easier and easier to do and i have found out some use full tacktics that may help some people that are new to gt5 drifting or if your pro may just add to your bag of tricks. OK so to jump right in to it your approching a corner at lets say 60mph and your gadges say you sould take the corner in second, so you are already going to fast to properly take the corner, (now if you have never drifted in gt5 there are two basic ways to break your car loose or cause it to slide you can A quickly downshift then floor it or B tap or lock your E-brake) i use a combination of bolth each has its benifits and down falls for harder corners i would use method A since it requires a good amount of stearing. ebrake will cause the rear end of the car to slide out from under you useing no stearing or every little. then use the gas to influence were in the corner you want to be more gas = farther out in the corner to much and you will be out in the grass. i would ether run the middle of the corner or close on the inside. and one last thing if you have trouble with this method then try this when you breake your car loose draw an imagenary line from the nose of your car to the approximate end of the corner and keep your car pointed in that direction at all times any devation will result in a bad line or drift. Well i hope that helps any one who reads this and thanks for takeing the time to look at this THANKS! :)
There are more techniques than Brake drifting and E brake drifting. I think that the DK has explained it in the Drift Bible as 6.

Since in Forza it feels that the car has alot of grip, I tend to feint and E-brake. But doing the flick feels much easier than Brake drifting.
I prefer to just power over, easiest way to carry your speed, and its one of the easiest ways to start a drift as well. Your post was difficult to read, but I agree somewhat.
yeah i forgot to use spell check im sure there are millions of ways to drift and your way works for you i was just posting the way i learned no offence intended
yeah i forgot to use spell check im sure there are millions of ways to drift and your way works for you i was just posting the way i learned no offence intended

It is not about spell check, you need to punctuate. Your post was a very long run-on sentence.

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