Drifting through Liberty city

  • Thread starter TunerFocus
TunerFocus / GTP_TunerFocus
I'm a drift fanatic so I drift on any game that lets me do so, & GTA IV has been an awesome game to do so on.:D So, is there anyone else out there that drifts through liberty city, or at least tries to?
Funny you should say that. I've been doing it this afternoon & wondered if anyone else was 👍
lol i like to take my cars sideways most of time, but like Soullessvessel said, engine power cuts so not really much of a drift left.

Youtube or it didn't happen.

But, seriously, a Youtube video of this stuff would be nice.
drifting on gta4 is just so much fun i aways try and skip the back end out so it trys to over take the front and see how long i d can hold it before the car eats me up and spits me in to a parked car or the favourite one is the lamp post.
drifting on gta4 is just so much fun i aways try and skip the back end out so it trys to over take the front and see how long i d can hold it before the car eats me up and spits me in to a parked car or the favourite one is the lamp post.

Amen. I'm not really a drift enthusiast but every so often I've been known to get it sideways.

Love Top Gear by the way, "Some say his nipple is shaped like the Nurburgring...all we know is he's called The Stig..."
As soulessvessel said earlier, i haven't been able to get a true drift, but i love powersliding around in this game. :lol:👍 I also have Vice City (not Liberty City). Not sure if there's a difference.

Are the cars in GTA truely front-drive, rear-drive, or AWD? I haven't been able to tell if there's a difference.
hmmmm, heres an aproach i found helpfull and that you can be drift happy with. pop one of the back tires on a rwd car(witch are the majority) and there you go, faints, powerovers etc can be acheived. just ignore the sparks shooting out one of the tires:grumpy:, but yea after that it will deffently drift and be very controlable.:sly:
I just like to drift on the beach in the cognoscenti. It's so much fun and not that difficult to keep a slide going.
The Corvette is a great drifter with no tires popped. It just takes a little time to get a feel for its behavior and you'll have nice drifts. It has insane power.
As far as im concerned all this popping the tyres lark is a way to ruin the challenge, the Dukes slides pretty well and you can always drift in the airport carpark up the ramps, and there bus station in downtown broker works well to even though it can be a bit easy.
As far as im concerned all this popping the tyres lark is a way to ruin the challenge, the Dukes slides pretty well and you can always drift in the airport carpark up the ramps, and there bus station in downtown broker works well to even though it can be a bit easy.

Nah pop and pop works better. For some reason the estate car is really good. Its very simple just the normal GT5:P drift. Turn countersteer and throttle control :lol:
I hate popping the tyres though, don't see D1 guys doing it so im not going to. Plus i want the smoke effects :)
Go down to the docks on the last island, i call that area my drift track, & get a semi & pop just the rear tires, that is the most hilarious vehicle to see drifting!
Go down to the docks on the last island, i call that area my drift track, & get a semi & pop just the rear tires, that is the most hilarious vehicle to see drifting!

I think I know where you mean (like a box track?)

Anyways no tires on bikes is really fun at the airport.

I havent drifted on GTA lately just sniping people :lol:

The estate cars seem to be easy drift cars :dunce:
Bus station in the central area of the first island, runs under a main highway just off the main road which runs through the centre not from the arc de triomphe style monument on a roundabout (north from it i believe).

Grab a Dukes or something, keep your tyres and do some actual slides rather then this tyre popping rubbish.
My new video, quality is, well, crap coming from my phone.

Drifting a dukes up the spiral. Raw, unedited video, online. I also did many other cars but only dukes in the video.

The video might not be through yet, still proccessing.

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