- 222
- TunerFocus / GTP_TunerFocus
I'm a drift fanatic so I drift on any game that lets me do so, & GTA IV has been an awesome game to do so on.
So, is there anyone else out there that drifts through liberty city, or at least tries to?
You can get the Duke drifting nicely.
drifting on gta4 is just so much fun i aways try and skip the back end out so it trys to over take the front and see how long i d can hold it before the car eats me up and spits me in to a parked car or the favourite one is the lamp post.
Youtube or it didn't happen.
But, seriously, a Youtube video of this stuff would be nice.
As far as im concerned all this popping the tyres lark is a way to ruin the challenge, the Dukes slides pretty well and you can always drift in the airport carpark up the ramps, and there bus station in downtown broker works well to even though it can be a bit easy.
Go down to the docks on the last island, i call that area my drift track, & get a semi & pop just the rear tires, that is the most hilarious vehicle to see drifting!