Drifting: Whats Wrong?

  • Thread starter askia47
Well, that's just what I think from seeing some drifting. It looks cool, but doesn't seem very fast. Well, what can you expect when you're sliding sideways?
When done properly, it's very enjoyable to watch. Takes a lot of car control, and talent, of course.

The thing i hate, however, are the assclowns that think it's a superior form of motorsports, when it's just a hobby some guys started in the 70/80s. And there are a lot of these assclowns here. Granted there are now competitions in Japan, to find the best "drifters" each and every year, but it's not a real racing competition, more like an exhibition, a showcase.

If you want to watch guys throw cars sideways into curves, watch WRC. Simple as that. WRC is just as enjoyable to watch, except the guys are going fast, instead of just showing off.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Nice one PR.

It's not the actuall art of drifting at fault here, its trend following wannabes.
well put Punk Rock,

or instead of watching WRC, though it is amazing, you could go out and watch some sprint cars or midgets at your local track.
The only reason I wouldn't go out drifting is because my car isn;t set up for it and I might mess something up or even worse lose control and wreck the car.
Originally posted by streetracer780
The only reason I wouldn't go out drifting is because my car isn;t set up for it and I might mess something up or even worse lose control and wreck the car.

Which brings up another point, when done wrong it can turn fatal pretty quickly.
yup I've gotten sideways (not by choice mind you) in the stang and spun around. Its scary as hell when you lose control.
Originally posted by PunkRock
When done properly, it's very enjoyable to watch. Takes a lot of car control, and talent, of course.

The thing i hate, however, are the assclowns that think it's a superior form of motorsports, when it's just a hobby some guys started in the 70/80s. And there are a lot of these assclowns here. Granted there are now competitions in Japan, to find the best "drifters" each and every year, but it's not a real racing competition, more like an exhibition, a showcase.

If you want to watch guys throw cars sideways into curves, watch WRC. Simple as that. WRC is just as enjoyable to watch, except the guys are going fast, instead of just showing off.


Those assclowns ruined the GT3 forum there for a while with all of their drifting threads.:rolleyes:

I went like a year without posting in the GT3 forum, but now that it's clear of all that crap, and the driters have their own forums, I've posted there again.

Don't get me wrong, I like to drift too, but you won't see me saying **** like, "yO! I cAN do a MAd drifT around s00per 5peedw4y @t lieK 193523654236mpH yo! I got DEm mAd driftiN sKILLz Yo!":rolleyes:
Originally posted by Josh
"yO! I cAN do a MAd drifT around s00per 5peedw4y @t lieK 193523654236mpH yo! I got DEm mAd driftiN sKILLz Yo!"

d00d, I Can DRIfT ssUpa Speeedddway at liek, 193523654236.9mpH. YoUER sKillzz, S0ck!!

Nah, I total agree with you and PR. I suppose once they realise that its useless they'll change.
Originally posted by streetracer780
what the hell is that thread even saying?

Haha. Haha. Haha.

I think he is trying to say that he can do mAd TyTe DrIfT sKiLlZ y0!
and drive fast.
thank you guys. you are all very right. i hate drfting trend wannabes. drifitn itself is cool to watch, or do i suppose. but it isnt everything.

go read what i was trying to say in the "pro japanese drfiters in usa" thread, and back me up. I never talked trash about drfting, i just said that if it got big in the USA we could expect morons to pick it up as well. f&f ripoff movie, stupid teens killing themselves, etc.
Originally posted by Race Idiot
Haha. Haha. Haha.

I think he is trying to say that he can do mAd TyTe DrIfT sKiLlZ y0!
and drive fast.

Oh ok now that I read it again I understand sorta.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
d00d, I Can DRIfT ssUpa Speeedddway at liek, 193523654236.9mpH. YoUER sKillzz, S0ck!!

Nah, I total agree with you and PR. I suppose once they realise that its useless they'll change.

DaMN d00D! I musTA bEen lieK PICking mAh nose, anD grAAAnny zhiftiN or sumpTin dawG... Cuz I knoWZ Izzz fASStur den you!:odd:
Damn. I was hoping nobody would comment on that. I even thought about going in and adding a little bit of black to cover his arm!:banghead:

And he is in the driving seat...over here in the US at least.:P