Drive Assists (ABS, TCS, etc) settings in Community events (time trials)

  • Thread starter Antares87
Hi all,

I'm new to Project Cars 2 and just started playing Community events.

I understood that Default/Custom car setups are forced by SMS, but I don't understand if Drive Assists (ABS, TCS, etc) are enabled or fixed as well (I can still edit them from Options, but read online they are forced....

This would make a great difference between who use/don't use them, so please help me to understand :-) Thank you!
In time trial they are set to authentic, so if the real car doesn't have them then neither do you. I think it's the same for community events but I'm not 100% certain.
Thank you for your reply.

I see I can change some driver assistance settings both from options menu and from steering wheel menu as well,
though I don't understand if this has a real effect in Community events/time trials.