Driver and co-pilot animations

  • Thread starter Punknoodle
Just discussing the new video posted that has the Focus WRC car of Hirvonen (,696243/Gran-Turismo-5-Trailer-zeigt-den-Replay-Modus-des-PS3-Rennspiels/Video/).

During the video the camera switches to an interior cam that is at low level in front of the co pilot, looking up at them. As the cars go through corners, they sway with the momentum (looks like this is visible from outside the car as well, I haven't noticed this in Prologue but I may have just missed it), and it looks very impressive. What interested me was that they had open face helmets, and the co pilot didn't seem to be moving his mouth, yet it looked as though his facial expression changes SLIGHTLY. However he was looking down, and occasionally looked up.

Does this mean anything about navigation? Sure it could have been at points where he (or she) didn't need to talk, but maybe it means there will be no dialogue coming from the co driver, or that there is no navigation on closed circuits?

I just thought this was interesting.

There is also another view that I saw in a Ferrari GT5 video that has the camera behind the driver in between the seats, and you can see the drivers body and feet. I wonder if these are views you can switch to in replays, and that you will be able to see the drivers feet, heel toeing maybe, now THAT would be impressive. 👍
Since they modeled the pedal assembly also, its not impossible for us to think we're going to have an inside view with replays :D
I know many will disagree with me on this but I have a very strong feeling that the clip of the Subaru rally car from the Concept video was pre-rendered made to look like in-game. If you watch it in 1080P, you can see the difference between that part of the video and the rest of the video. I hope I'm wrong, though. :)
I'd prefer it if when you take a rally car to a circuit there was no one on the passenger seat...judging from previous GTs though, I don't think i'll be so lucky!
Im sure PD will probably enchance the replay mode for GT5. Somthing with watch the driver's feet would be cool, as well as cameras on the sides of the car.

I hope the game features a rally mode in which you have a co-driver talking to you.

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