Driver Rating broken?

Hi all,

I think my Driver Rating (DR) is broken. I'm already about 15 races stuck on D. My Sportmanship Rating (SR) is A so it doesn't block the DR to rise.
I just don't see the bar under the DR in my profile moving for those 15 races. Most of those race I have won, only about 2-3x second places.
Is this normal or should I already have moved to the next Rating?
I did the same thing a few weeks ago, can't remember how many A races I entered and rating never moved, lol, felt pretty dumb when I figured it out. Fortunately, you can move from D to B in a week. I'm now B/S and that's probably where I belong, I usually qualify in middle of the field (4th to 6th). In the races where half the field is A rated I don't qualify as high but usually have good finishes because I very seldom go off track unless I'm pushed off, qualifying fast and racing fast are NOT the same thing.

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