Driving Aids

  • Thread starter drew259
One thing ive alwats wanted in GT is the proper driving aids on the proper cars.

For instance a 1940s race car isnt going to have TC or ABS and even some modern race cars and street cars still dont have TC or ABS. I beleive it should be an "upgrade" that you buy if your vehicle does not come with it.

What do you guys think?
i never use traction control and only use abs if im drifting.

Driving aids suck...I never use them in Forza 2, makes you a better driver even in the real world.

That's why Formula 1 got rid of them this year.

You can't learn to control a car when it's driving itself!
i never use traction control and only use abs if im drifting.

Driving aids suck...I never use them in Forza 2, makes you a better driver even in the real world.

That's why Formula 1 got rid of them this year.

You can't learn to control a car when it's driving itself!

I think I am missing something here. So, driving aid does not suck when you need to use it?

Going back to the original topic, I agree with drew.
I think I am missing something here. So, driving aid does not suck when you need to use it?

Going back to the original topic, I agree with drew.

You need to use it?

There are two ways i play GT and Forza

Real racing or drifting.

Real Racing ~

When i'm real racing against other cars i feel it brings more reality to the experience when you cant just slam the button/trigger and just expect the car to calmly slow down. Instead feel the brake pressure and distribute it properly so that you don't lock up. It makes you a better driver as you have to always be smooth.

In real life I own an STI which is equipped with ABS and is the first car i've ever had that has it. My EG hatch never came with it and my 300zx i just took it off. I feel that with the ABS system, you feel safer but i had to be much more careful and precise in the other two cars.

Drifting ~

Drifting requires a whole different set of driving techniques as you are no longer going for the fastest time.

When i drift i prefer to have abs because if im braking in order to straten the car out... i need to keep them from locking up. Drifting as a whole requires you to be more violent on the car and being smooth comes into play when you are accelerating out of the drift. With you having to go between Gas, Brake, E-Brake, Down/up Shift in a matter of milliseconds, you'll typically have a better drift.

I can still do it without the ABS but i feel ill do a nicer turn and more confident entry from a straight.

Again for real racing ..... I prefer no driving aids.

For showing off and drifting....... ABS/no ABS.

You never need ABS, you just choose to use it. Many cars from 10 years ago never had any electronic aids and they were better cause you can see whos a better driver.

Im speaking to you not in a context of a video game but real life pro driving.

Have you ever even been to the track in real life?
I am a lerner but I feel like the aids giving me moore solid feel,faster lap times,so I like them.They make me feel like Im controlling the car!
Driving aids dont suck, and they dont take away from the realism. Would it be more realistic if they took TC and ABS out of the game completly? Some cars have it some cars dont, the point i was getting at was i dont want to buy a Shelby Cobra and not be able to do a nice little burnout off the showroom floor so to speak.
There was ABS for every car in GT4...there was no way to turn it off as far as i know. Are you telling me ABS can be turned off in GT5:P and that the wheels actually lock now?
Driving aids dont suck, and they dont take away from the realism. Would it be more realistic if they took TC and ABS out of the game completly? Some cars have it some cars dont, the point i was getting at was i dont want to buy a Shelby Cobra and not be able to do a nice little burnout off the showroom floor so to speak.

Let me ask you something.....Why does the Stig in Top Gear do his power lap with any driving Aid turned off?

Because that way the car is the fastest and he actually has to drive the car.

I never said there should be zero driving aids.....That wouldn't be realistic.

Im saying under the way i do things......No driving aids when i race.
Personally, I prefer realism. So cars which aren't available with ABS shouldn't be available with ABS in the simulation part of the game, except as an upgrade. Cars which don't let you turn off the ABS shouldn't let you turn it off in the game and cars that do should.

While we're at it, cars that are only available as autos in real life shouldn't be available with a manual gearbox in the game.
One thing I hated was that the driving aids were all on during tests. Noway to shut them off. They did make it more challenging to get the gold on the license tests, but they should be allowed to shut them off. And its also a no brainer to be able to have them shut off fro every car, and not have to do it individually. That's like having to make every car you race a manual, its silly.
One thing ive alwats wanted in GT is the proper driving aids on the proper cars.

For instance a 1940s race car isnt going to have TC or ABS and even some modern race cars and street cars still dont have TC or ABS. I beleive it should be an "upgrade" that you buy if your vehicle does not come with it.

What do you guys think?
I agree. The cars that doesn't have it in real life shouldn't have it in the game!
Could not agree more. No driving aids on car's that don't have it originaly. Same ting should go for Manual/Automatic gears. If you can't shift in the game, go for an Automatic trani, with the automatic's general powerloss.
And yet another thing I would love to see is some cars spesiel/individual features, like the WRX STI's manual center diff, and one of these models even had a cool-water tank in the trunk that with a toutch of a button would send to the cars intercooler for that extra little power boost. And there are plenty of cool little features on a lot of cars if you just look far enough.
I agree about the driving aids, but not the whole transmission idea. I enjoy driving manual and having the game force you to use auto for certain vehicles would be very unappealing. Course same goes for cars that only come in manual, it would force people that drive those cars to learn how to drive manuals even if they don't want to.
Ok, well how about when you select "auto shifting" in the options menu it shifts for you like an auto tranny in GT4 going 1-6/7 and then to solve the other half make it an upgrade to purchase a manual transmission. This way when you have an auto transmission it does not act like a manual transmission bein auto-shifted, most auto transmissions have 3-4 gears(i think?)

It would be pretty cool and even add more veriety of races (auto trany only races)
Most newer auto tranny's have 4-6 gears. In any case, I'd prefer to be able to have a manual in all the cars because it makes racing alot more fun, not to mention you can shift whenever you want to.
One thing I hated was that the driving aids were all on during tests. Noway to shut them off. They did make it more challenging to get the gold on the license tests, but they should be allowed to shut them off. And its also a no brainer to be able to have them shut off fro every car, and not have to do it individually. That's like having to make every car you race a manual, its silly.

that isn't true, the S class liscence test were devoid of driving aids. Most driving tests revolved around the driving aids to begin with, they wanted you to learn the car with them on and with them off. Only ABS wasn't part of the deal.

I do agree with cars that realistically do not have certain safety features to be true to life in the game, but this game is mass marketed, the average joe wouldn't be like trying to reign in a shelby without assists on, especially with ham fisted techniques. I would prefer if PD would have the professional physics mode change how the car is initially set upon recieving it.
Normal mode, the game comes how PD usually presents it.
Professional, the cars are just like they are in real life, no additives or preservatives. I prefer professional.
Most newer auto tranny's have 4-6 gears. In any case, I'd prefer to be able to have a manual in all the cars because it makes racing alot more fun, not to mention you can shift whenever you want to.

Yeah, and most newer auto-tranny's come with a manual override as well, wich makes the thing semi-auto, no clutch, but still the powerloss the tranny would give.
I don't know, it would at to the realisme of the game for my part, but I can absolutly see your side of it.

Maybe it would work implemented with some kind of pro/real mode presented by SavageEvil here..?
What they actually could have is allowing you the option to choose what transmission the car comes with when you buy it, that way you could choose to have cars that mimick the real thing, or you could choose the transmission that suits you better.
What they actually could have is allowing you the option to choose what transmission the car comes with when you buy it, that way you could choose to have cars that mimick the real thing, or you could choose the transmission that suits you better.

Yeah, something like that would be great.
.....Have you ever even been to the track in real life?

...I lost count.

My first car was a brand new AA44S with the G13B engine which I got a year after I got my license; I am not gonna date myself here, so do the math yourself. ;)

Been autoX/trackday ever since changing a few cars here and there.
One thing ive alwats wanted in GT is the proper driving aids on the proper cars.

For instance a 1940s race car isnt going to have TC or ABS and even some modern race cars and street cars still dont have TC or ABS. I beleive it should be an "upgrade" that you buy if your vehicle does not come with it.

What do you guys think?
Not all newcomers to the game can handle cars without driving aids, and many aren't aware they're even in the game. More still play the game like an arcade racer, and if you removed the traction control and active stability management systems from the game, they would grow very frustrated. Those of us who want to play it like a die-hard racing simulation will take the driving aids off.

It's better to have the drivng aids on as the default because it makes the game a little more accessable. It's like tuning; my ownself, I play with driving aids off, but I don't really concern myself with finding the perfect set-up. I usually just drive with the stock settings, plus one or two adjustments. To start the game with driving aids turned off as the default would be like forcing players to tune their cars before being able to race. Some would appreciate it, but most would simply be lost.
Autos don't necessarily come with power loss. A DSG gearbox, for example, is faster at changing gears than a manual, plus you can drive it in "manual" mode. Of course the old style torque converters do tend to be slower than their manual counterparts.

The problem, in my opinion, in GT is that the auto gearbox drives like the computer changing gears for you rather than like the appropriate auto gearbox should.

While I appreciate that people new to the game might need help I'd like to have the option to go without help and have a gearbox that feels like the real thing, along with ABS too.

I suppose the problem is that it'd take a lot of space and mapping to keep track of all these things. Modern cars implement ABS, stability control, active break assist and all the other acronyms slightly differently.

Well, my GT5P arrives in ten days, so we shall see how they've done :-)
Autos don't necessarily come with power loss. A DSG gearbox, for example, is faster at changing gears than a manual, plus you can drive it in "manual" mode. Of course the old style torque converters do tend to be slower than their manual counterparts.

The problem, in my opinion, in GT is that the auto gearbox drives like the computer changing gears for you rather than like the appropriate auto gearbox should.

While I appreciate that people new to the game might need help I'd like to have the option to go without help and have a gearbox that feels like the real thing, along with ABS too.

I suppose the problem is that it'd take a lot of space and mapping to keep track of all these things. Modern cars implement ABS, stability control, active break assist and all the other acronyms slightly differently.

Well, my GT5P arrives in ten days, so we shall see how they've done :-)

Yeah, absolutly true, I said Auto-trannis in general are slower than manual, but for instens Porche have made an auto-tranny wich cannot not be out shifted by any man with a manual.

True, If some kid wants TCS on a 69 Comaro he should have to pay for it. Thats just the way I see it... But in arcade mode give them the option of turning it on and off just like we peresently have the option of selecting Auto/Manual before starting an arcade race.
I use the driving aids, but I agree with you that only cars who came with them should have them standard in the game.


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