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They probably will. However, you clearly stated this as a fact, which it obviously isn't. And that's something you shouldn't do, because that's how the rumour mill gets started every single time a new Gran Turismo is coming. And when the game is out and there's no FXX, all the newbies come here, moaning about how they read on this website that the car would be in the game. So, please, distinguish facts from wishes properly next time. There is a thread for car wishes by the way.
oh lol i had no source i just thought its going to be in it. I mean why not. lol. Why wont they?
Oh I don't know, licensing issues perhaps. There's plenty of reasons for it to be wanted by the PD staff but there's plenty of reasons a specific car might not be included. PD don't have free reign to pick and choose cars as they want, they have to negoatiate and come to agreements sometimes for each individual car. As The Interceptor said, this is not a fact, your first post is missleading, you shouldn't be stating wishes as fact and when it comes to cars theres a wish list thread which is for things like this.
Hmmm. I always thought that now they are friends with Ferrari, it was what ever they wanted. I just thought, seeing that ferrari dosnt spend money on advertising, this is an easy way to do that. But, sorry for posting some wishful thinking.
It's not that you posted wishful thinking so much as you posted it as fact. People will come into here see the first post and some will probably take what you said literally, that the FXX has been confirmed. Besides that when it comes to discussing what cars you would like to see in GT5 you are supposed to do it in here...
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