Make 'em legal - and tax the hell out of them
Ive heard this argument sooo many times. And its true to a certain extent. The government saves money in the long run because:
1) We dont have to ask the coast guard to chase down drug smugglers
2) We dont have to pay police to find dealers
3) We can tax them (more on this in a moment)
4) Drug users take up a lot of space in prisons. Its bad enough that these non-violent offenders are right next to violent criminals, but that they end up draining tax dollars doing so is just wrong.
Im sure there are more reasons that wed save money as a country, but those are the ones I could think of.
Have you ever heard of acid users referring to finding a safe place before they use the drug? Thats exactly what most hardcore drug users do. They dont shoot up cocaine or heroin or acid and then go out in public shooting people and driving cars
. they get somewhere where there are a bunch of pillows and food and hallucinate for a while. The idea is to feel good, not get killed.
So I dont think wed see a whole bunch of druggies driving around - Especially if it were illegal like driving while drunk. They could even keep their TLA (three letter acronym) and call it DWI.
About the taxes
We can tax them, but only to a degree. After a threshold, taxes create a black market. This is already happening with cigarettes in some areas (New York). That only takes money away from the companies making the products, and prevents taxes from getting to the government.
Another fringe benefit of legalizing drugs is that it would allow companies to make the drugs carefully. For drug users this means even better drugs. For the rest of us, it means fewer drug users (friends, family) end up dead because the drug was laced with something.