DS3(Dual Shock 3) VS Racing Wheels

Hey guys, i just wanted to confirm how much of a difference, if any, Racing Wheels have over the standard Ps3 (DS3) controller.
I'm a DS3 user and wanted to see how i compare to the Racing Wheel users out there.

I've set up a challenge for this. The track i chose was "Tsukuba" because of the corners and because it's a fairly short/quick track.

The car i used was HKS CT230R. The car was stock from purchase. Settings was not messed with but "Racing Soft" tires was used

I would like DS3 users to accept this challenge and post their times

Racing Wheel drivers will also post their best times.

Racing Soft tires
No oil change
Everything is to be kept as bought except for tires.
Skid Recover: Off
All other assist are to be turned OFF.

This challenge will prove once and for all how much, if any, advantage Racing Wheel drivers have.

I look forward to the best drivers on both pads to report in.

The top 5 DS3 user times will be pitted against the top 5 Racing Wheel drivers time to confirm this experiment.

DS3 Drivers Report:

Sinharvest24: 52.568sec

Racing Wheel Drivers Report:
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I might give this a shot. I use a ds3 and I come in last consistently in the Lotus series I'm in, and Im fairly sure that the guys who place at the top are using wheels. I think a wheel probably does offer more control and therefor an advantage, or I just suck. What tsukuba track are you using? Online or practice or arcade? This makes a difference.

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Hey guys, i just wanted to confirm how much of a difference, if any, Racing Wheels have over the standard Ps3 (DS3) controller.
I'm a DS3 user and wanted to see how i compare to the Racing Wheel users out there.

I've set up a challenge for this. The track i chose was "Tsukuba" because of the corners and because it's a fairly short/quick track.

The car i used was HKS CT230R. The car was stock from purchase. Settings was not messed with but "Racing Soft" tires was used

I would like DS3 users to accept this challenge and post their times

Racing Wheel drivers will also post their best times.

Racing Soft tires
No oil change
Everything is to be kept as bought except for tires.
Skid Recover: Off
All other assist will be optional.

This challenge will prove once and for all how much, if any, advantage Racing Wheel drivers have.

I look forward to the best drivers on both pads to report in.

The top 5 DS3 user times will be pitted against the top 5 Racing Wheel drivers time to confirm this experiment.

DS3 Drivers Report:

Sinharvest24: 52.568sec

Racing Wheel Drivers Report:
Make it as simple as possible,use the same garage car no aids and see what happens.Optional driving aids?Seriously and you expect times to be equal with someone using every aid available?Make it the Nord same garage car no aids and then see what happens.
Let me add this,watch any GT5 video with the makers/developers of the game and any video with Sebastion Vettle or any other "real world driver" playing the game, are they using a controller? I had this argument with someone last night.He said he could beat anyone with a wheel.So off to the Nord we went in the same garage cars,no aids,me with my wheel and him with his DS3/PS3 controller and guess what,he quit.If you think a controller or wheel is better, then use what your comfortable with.I sure as hell would not want to race any of the endurance races with a controller.Yes I used a controller when the game came out,went to a wheel and would never go back to a controller if you paid me.
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I might give this a shot. I use a ds3 and I come in last consistently in the Lotus series I'm in, and Im fairly sure that the guys who place at the top are using wheels. I think a wheel probably does offer more control and therefor an advantage, or I just suck. What tsukuba track are you using? Online or practice or arcade? This makes a difference.


Practice. what difference does it make in other modes?
I agree it's pointless, but in an attempt to be constructive, you need to mandate assists in order to produce consistent results.

/facepalm huge difference.

are we talking about tire wear? Please explain fully. I'm not afraid to learn things :)
I'd rather not get into it, as it's hard to say what the difference is, only that there is a difference.

Some say it's the game physics, some say it's just an issue of tire wear, some say fuel weight. I don't know what it is, but a lot of people agree, there is some type of difference between the two.
Make it as simple as possible,use the same garage car no aids and see what happens.Optional driving aids?Seriously and you expect times to be equal with someone using every aid available?Make it the Nord same garage car no aids and then see what happens.
Let me add this,watch any GT5 video with the makers/developers of the game and any video with Sebastion Vettle or any other "real world driver" playing the game, are they using a controller? I had this argument with someone last night.He said he could beat anyone with a wheel.So off to the Nord we went in the same garage cars,no aids,me with my wheel and him with his DS3/PS3 controller and guess what,he quit.If you think a controller or wheel is better, then use what your comfortable with.I sure as hell would not want to race any of the endurance races with a controller.Yes I used a controller when the game came out,went to a wheel and would never go back to a controller if you paid me.

That's in a race. What about time attacks. which pad can achieve the better time. and by how much.
are we talking about tire wear? Please explain fully. I'm not afraid to learn things :)

Ok I'll explain it.I race Nascar quite a bit with my buddies.Going into a corner their cars rear ends wiggle consistently all the way through the corner which produces more tire wear.We run almost the exact setup,they use controllers I use a wheel.Most of them cannot or do not want a push into the corners because they cannot handle the car without burning off rubber.Try it your self and Daytona is the best place to test this theory.Yes there are a very few who use controller's that can bump draft in the corners,majority cannot.
Here I will give you a very stable set-up for Daytona and try for yourself

Aero F/20 R/40
Transmission 249 mph top speed
LSD 60/60/15
Ride Height F/15.0 R/15.0
Spring Rate F/18.5 R/18.5
Dampers Ext F/8 R/4
Dampers Com F/8 R/4
Anti Roll F/4 R/4
Camber F/3.0 R/3.0
Toe F/0.00 R/0.17

Brakes you don't need them
Turn off all driving aids and see what happens.
Everyone run the same set-up as Daytona it pretty simple to drive and this set-up is very stable.Do 5 laps keep your time and how much tire wear you have.should take 4 minutes max.
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Sinharvest, to answer your question using a totally different method:

The top 25 drivers all use wheels. Only 2 in the top 30 use controllers.

To try to quantify the time advantage of a wheel is always gonna be flaky (due to driving style, driver skill, etc etc), but one could argue if ORSCHE has the same skill level as CRAZYTORTISE, then the difference is 0.7s around Fuji. Less difference if Orsche has worse skills, more difference if he/she is actually better than Crazytortise.

(no offence meant to any drivers mentioned, I'm just using the times as an example)
apart from f1 cars and the x1 where the quicker steering helps a lot..
its the pedals that make the difference.. for smoothness and accuracy..
Personally I dont see why this was ever a debate in the first place. Seriously whether using a controller or wheel neither really makes that much of a difference because the key to racing is skill and proper technique. Proper braking, racing line, and accelerator control makes the most difference rather than a wheel or controller. The only difference a wheel really makes is in the driver comfort.

With that being said I noticed alot of people keep dismissing pretty much all driving aids and really that is what really separates those with wheels from those without. A driver who is used to have at least anti-lock brakes, active stability management and traction control on will obviously have control issues that ultimately will slow him down drastically until he gets used to it. Even still having those aids on actually slow a driver down whether he is using a wheel or controller because most of those aids use the brakes to acheieve their designed function.

Some drivers like myself am willing to trade a few mph for more stability especially on narrow tracks like Nurburg. Going without aids is challanging and much respect is given to those that are skilled to get wins online that way but it also comes at the cost or being more prone to dirty driving or improper techniques that lead to fistailing and spin outs. Even without somebody intentionally ramming you or just misjudging their braking you are more prone to spinning out if you find your self off the pavement as well.

All in all the wheel or controller contributes very little to over all speed perfomance. Car configuration and driver skill and technique is the deciding factor in overall speed. In other games I've more than beat my fair share of wheel drivers with a controller though it is way more challenging to do so here GT5 but at some point I will be able to consistently accomplish that as well while I still figure out configurations for which I am comfortable.

Oh and btw Tire wear is more a function of the cars ride height, downforce, weight, spring rate, camber/toe angles, limited-slip differential settings, brake balance, and of course the actual tire set being used on the car. While Soft is the most popular choice on cars especially on races with less than say 20 laps or minutes they wear the fastest in each set of tire. In longer races Hard tires are better because how often you have to pit bc of tire wear becomes a time factor as well.