DSLR Help and Recommendation

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
A buddy of mine bought a new DSLR yesterday and feel as if I want one now as well. My point and shoot Canon Powershot SD1100IS is a great camera but it's more for car spotting and general snap shots. He bought a Canon Digital Rebel XSi with four lenses and he let me play around with it yesterday. I really like it, much better than the older DSLR's we have at work (for some reason we have a Canon D40 which doesn't work).

I know there are several photography people here on GTP and I was hoping they could enlighten me on DSLR buying. I want to get a Canon so I can share lenses with my buddy, but that seems to narrow down my choices quite a bit. Although if I find a good deal on something else I will consider it.

I'm looking at a Canon Rebel XS right now since Best Buy has a camera/lens kit for $599.99 and I have $200 in Best Buy Reward Zone certificates. As far as I can tell it's not that much different than the XSi but I don't know much about photography.

Any ways if someone can please give me some advice I'd appreciate it, and the more in laymen's terms its in the better. Thanks!
Get a cheap body and good glass or a good flash unit
It's a decent body and the standard lens is not too bad. I made many nice shots with its bigger brother, the 450D/XSi and the 18-55 3.5/5.6 IS lens. If you want to trade that lens in for something better ,it will cost you. ;)
I'd go for a reconditioned 40D. It will cost the same as a brand new XS/Rebel series Canon with superior quality. Then spend the remainder on good glass.
I really want to buy it at Best Buy since I have so many certificates. And a 40D refurbished is $950 for just the body which is way more than I want to spend right now. I talked with some people today and they all told me the Rebel XS is about as much as I really need right now since I'm just starting off.