
  • Thread starter coolrules
is it just me or is the dust or whatever you want to call it look reall or what i think it is amazin and thats not to mention the lifelike sky (think it is actually cut from reall life if you look closely) and that sun when your driving there is a certain track i have played which the sun actually does blind you, you cant see a thing!! i think it is these minor things that make gt3 the success it is is it just me or does anyone else aggree with me too?
The dust looks very realistic. Also, the sun kicks my ass when I'm trying to go around the Complex String cause it's so bright.

Also, there's a track with a ferris wheel that you'll notice, and it's awesome. I always smack into the wall at 200 mph cause I get distracted by it...
yup there is lots of neat stuff from the sun to the trees that light up.....i think they didnt make them for the looks but for what josh and me and many others do is get distracted and crash and loose the race....well maybe not loose cuz we neva do that ;)
Quote: from lildawgryan on 9:32 pm on July 30, 2001[br]....well maybe not loose cuz we neva do that ;)

Yeah, I don't know about all of you guys, but I never lose :D