Dutch Customs Tuning App - Interest Poll - Screenshots added

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA

Interest for tuning application

  • Yes, I would like a tuning application

    Votes: 33 91.7%
  • No, I would not like a tuning application

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Maybe, so far I'm not impressed (please specify why)

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Maybe, but only if you add...(please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • My option is not listed (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


King of Rockay
Rockay City
Hello fellow tuners,

At the moment I have started work on a GT5 Tuning application for iOS (iPod/iPhone/iPad). Should there be enough interest, I will make a PC or web-based version as well. 👍

At this moment I am focusing on making proper transmission tuning functionality. The transmission tuning function will feature fully customizable individual gear ratios and final gear ratio. For each gear it will show the ratio, maximum speed and entry RPM (RPM drop when shifting is calculated as well). Furthermore, it has an adjustable shift (maximum) RPM setting, so you can tweak the gearbox specifically to engines that drop off before redline.

So far, I have the functionality almost ready, I just need to feed it all the stock wheel/tyre data for all the cars (really boring bit ;)).

I will also implement the ability to save unlimited (as far as system resources permit of course ;)), and named (e.g. 'My awesome Nordschleife setup') setups per car.

Once the basic app is up and running, I want to add other setup details like tuning packages, etc. For the transmission, I am considering an 'auto-tune' function (several different ones, actually :D). Or whatever people think is needed/handy. 👍

So, anybody interested in an app like this? Discuss. :)
Your interest poll lacks an actual poll. I would think tuning forum would be the worst place to ask because we're all naturally going to be the most skeptical crowd of forum browsers on gtplanet. Interest is determined by backing up claims with actual results, so I'd say product demonstration is going to be make or break for you.
Your interest poll lacks an actual poll.
Point taken, will add one. 👍

I would think tuning forum would be the worst place to ask because we're all naturally going to be the most skeptical crowd of forum browsers on gtplanet.
Which is exactly why I ask it here. ;) I am also interested in options tuners would like to see in this app.

Interest is determined by backing up claims with actual results, so I'd say product demonstration is going to be make or break for you.
Demo (of gear tuning function) will follow soon. 👍
No. Though features like that could be added in the future. Initially, the application will focus on transmission tuning, as well as the saving of individual setups per car.
Okay, here are the first screenshots of the gear tuning screen. Don't mind the graphics, I put no work in the graphics whatsoever so far. ;) The important thing here is that the mechanics work, and they do. :D

What we see in the first screenshot are the stock transmission settings for the '07 Nissan Fairlady Z/350Z (Z33).

At the top of the screen is the cars name, along with the name of the current setup. Below that is the transmission graph, which updates in realtime as you make changes (see second screenshot). Next to the graph are the shifting RPM and maximum speed (transmission speed, not track speed ;)). Both are adjustable by clicking the value and entering a new value. Below the graph are the individual gears. Each gear has a slider next to it that manipulates the gear ratio. For finetuning you can simply click the ratio value and enter a value directly. If you don't want to fiddle with gear ratios, you can simply change the gears maximum speed by clicking on it and entering a value. The ratio will then be adjusted accordingly.

Along the bottom are a few buttons: 'Stock' returns the settings to the stock transmission settings (the cars real stock settings, not the stock fully customizable transmission settings that are made up by PD). 'Save' saves the current setup. 'Dupe' duplicates this setup to a new setup. 'Help' provides info on how to use this screen and 'Exit' exits to the main menu, which gives access to the other functions and a list of your setups/tunes (not built yet).


The seconds screenshot shows the same screen with modified settings.


TODO: Every gear in the fully customizable transmission has a lower and an upper limit. These limits are set dynamically, based on the top speed that is entered in the box, e.g. if you change the top speed, the ratios change, and the upper/lower limit for each ratio change as well. I haven't found the exact relation between the limits/ratios and speeds yet. The fully customizable transmission works (by default) using the stock final ratio. When you enter a speed, it will match the highest gear to that speed, then spread out all the lower gears over the whole range. These ratios then decide what the upper/lower limits for each ratio are. Exactly how I still need to find out. ;) The ratios themselves work in the app exactly like they work in game though, so that's good (and more importantly: reliable). 👍
I'll be looking forward to a web/browser based version... Because I certainly don't have anything with iOS... Hell, I don't even have a fully functioning cell phone!

I am however curious to see how it works... There's a few things to think about though with this...

1. The ratios made available via autoset change based on the maximum RPM of the engine. This means that "default" gearing for a stock engined car will not be the same as one with a maximum-power build (or, indeed, simply engine stage 3, race exhaust, and sports catalyst). Interestingly, this means the in-gear maximum speeds will stay exactly the same (and, I assume, the same with the same "adjustments" to the gears).

2. Ratios from autoset change based on the final drive setting. Higher final drive @ same autoset = numerically lower individual gears.

Personally I think gearing is the only thing that can be reliably calculated; trying to calculate "optimum" suspension is absolutely impossible (unless, of course, we crack open GT5 and find that there are magic numbers resulting in the highest possible grip, but I doubt that). Same for LSD.
I'll be looking forward to a web/browser based version... Because I certainly don't have anything with iOS... Hell, I don't even have a fully functioning cell phone!
I started on iOS because it's a platform that's fairly easy for me. But the model behind the UI is very easy to replicate on other platforms. 👍 I could probably stick it in an XLS if needed. ;)

I am however curious to see how it works... There's a few things to think about though with this...

1. The ratios made available via autoset change based on the maximum RPM of the engine. This means that "default" gearing for a stock engined car will not be the same as one with a maximum-power build (or, indeed, simply engine stage 3, race exhaust, and sports catalyst). Interestingly, this means the in-gear maximum speeds will stay exactly the same (and, I assume, the same with the same "adjustments" to the gears).

2. Ratios from autoset change based on the final drive setting. Higher final drive @ same autoset = numerically lower individual gears.
I did notice the dependency with final drive, but I did not notice the dependency with RPM. Will have to give this some more testing to see what the exact formula is behind all this. Also, the game sets the upper/lower limits for each gear in such a way they never collide with other gears. The upper/lower limits do not change if you alter only final drive, they will only change if you change the top speed as well.

But even given the current limitations/unknowns, the app is already usable. 👍 Tweaking using speeds rather than ratios is so much easier, why PD didn't copy the GT5P gear tuning screen is beyond me...

Personally I think gearing is the only thing that can be reliably calculated; trying to calculate "optimum" suspension is absolutely impossible (unless, of course, we crack open GT5 and find that there are magic numbers resulting in the highest possible grip, but I doubt that). Same for LSD.
True, the calculations for gearing are also universal, they are not limited to GT5 or other games, but they are true to real life. Using tyre data and gear ratios from the internet gave me the same results as GT5 (save a few roundings here and there).
I like the idea. Will you be making one for Android too? :) Even though I tune my own cars, the save setup feature is very useful to me and the app itself will help with quick-tuning cars that I don't want to spend time on, like for seasonals. 👍
No. Though features like that could be added in the future. Initially, the application will focus on transmission tuning, as well as the saving of individual setups per car.

I assume that means you didn't actually read the thread I linked...
Post #44 and #45. Two people, 2 versions of auto-mated transmission programs: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=168122&page=3

While your cell phone version will be handy for some, my question is, are there any differences between these 2 programs and yours, that make yours a better option to use, how/why?
I think it has potential, but right now I don't quite see what major advantage it has over the in-game gear adjustment screen. It does give you max speed in each gear, which is nice, and it looks like you can save multiple setups, which is also good. Otherwise you're still left randomly fiddling with each gear manually. Is that enough to justify a stand alone app? I'm not sure. I hope you take this as constructive criticism.
I like the idea. Will you be making one for Android too? :)
I'm considering this, but I want the general idea to be up and running on one platform first. :)

I would like it on PC or Android. Looks great man!
Thanks. 👍

Maybe, but what about an android app ? :)
See above. ;)

I assume that means you didn't actually read the thread I linked...
That is correct. You linked to a thread about a suspension spreadsheet, if you wanted me to read a specific post several pages further, it might have been handy to link there right away. ;) Not able to open the second one where I am at this moment, will give it a go when I get home. 👍

EDIT: Checked out tuga703s XLS, very nice app too, with a different approach to tuning the transmission. 👍 Now that I've seen what others have to offer, I definitely think there is room for more/other applications as well, besides my own and the other two, considering each uses a different approach to tuning the transmission. :)

While your cell phone version will be handy for some, my question is, are there any differences between these 2 programs and yours, that make yours a better option to use, how/why?
Valid questions. 👍

Of course, gear ratio tuning will be the same, regardless of the application used. As stated above, my application will feature a gear graph, it will have the car data (tyres, stock ratios etc.) already in place (for as far as they are available of course), so you don't have to enter them, and it provides a handy place to store and organize your tunes outside of GT5 (though any application or spreadsheat should take car of the storing bit). More advanced features, like auto-tuning will follow. In the end, I think it will come down to personal preference (e.g. when playing GT5 I usually have my phone with reach, but not my laptop, for other people this may be the exact oppposite). For me, it's a nice programming exercise and it gives me more and new insights on how the custom tranny works.

I think it has potential, but right now I don't quite see what major advantage it has over the in-game gear adjustment screen. It does give you max speed in each gear, which is nice, and it looks like you can save multiple setups, which is also good. Otherwise you're still left randomly fiddling with each gear manually. Is that enough to justify a stand alone app? I'm not sure. I hope you take this as constructive criticism.
All valid questions. 👍 Right now, I'm focusing on the basics, these must be right for the advanced features to be implemented (especially the ratio boundaries/limits, though I'm close to cracking that one). See also my reply to Adrenaline above in this same post. I've got a few ideas for auto-tuning to specific tracks, but this will require some more thinking/designing. ;) At this moment, the main advantage over the in-game screen is the ability to tune to speeds rather than fiddle with ratios and the ability to store multiple setups. Which is also handled rather nicely by your spreadsheet, I must say. 👍

Also, the main reason for me posting here while work is still in progress, is to get feedback on the current features as well as features that people would like to see in an application like this, so keep the questions and feedback coming! 👍
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Beware of the sliders! They hinder accuracy which has caused a great deal of frustration with my customers...

I'm looking forward to some competition on the iOS store :)
Really good app, we really need the apps
Thanks. Working on it. :)

Beware of the sliders! They hinder accuracy which has caused a great deal of frustration with my customers...
In my app, you can also tap on any value to change it directly. 👍 You can use the sliders for coarse changes and fiddling.

As for status: had some other projects to attend to, so I haven't spent a whole lot of time on this. Did make some new screens though. Expect more results this week. :)

I'm looking forward to some competition on the iOS store :)
Having more choice is never a bad thing. 👍

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