- 105
Originally Posted by Perotonia786
I've kindly sent two e-mail's,
one to 'Pagani Automobili S.p.A' & one to 'Ford Motor Company'.
In God's well, This is true. Pagani has sent me this message _
Re: Invio informazioni
Dear Mr. Rahman,
We thank you for your attention.
For the moment we are not feauturing in Gran Turismo 5 for PlayStation
Best regards.
Catia Pramazzoni
Pagani Automobili s.p.a.
0039 059 952811
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Last edited by Perotonia786 : Today at 7:31 PM.
Originally Posted by Perotonia786
I've kindly sent two e-mail's,
one to 'Pagani Automobili S.p.A' & one to 'Ford Motor Company'.
In God's well, This is true. Pagani has sent me this message _
Re: Invio informazioni
Dear Mr. Rahman,
We thank you for your attention.
For the moment we are not feauturing in Gran Turismo 5 for PlayStation
Best regards.
Catia Pramazzoni
Pagani Automobili s.p.a.
0039 059 952811
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Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
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Last edited by Perotonia786 : Today at 7:31 PM.