Early steering animations?

  • Thread starter Conquerer
I've heard recently about there being full 900 degree wheel turning in early versions of Prologue and I seem to have a very faint memory of that too, but I can't find any videos of it and certainly don't remember it enough to know what it was really like.

I'm annoyed by the fact that the wheel in the car doesn't turn 900 degrees in Prologue (like it did in GT4) but I read somewhere that PD removed the 900 degree steering before the release because it didn't look quite right (and I'd assume they'd be looking to implement a more polished version of it in GT5), which is also another reason why I'm interested in seeing it, if anyone can find any videos of it.
Directly from TGS 2007 (look between 25~35 sec.):

No need to thank me!;)

BTW I hope they make it right in GT5 full.
Yeah, that really doesn't look right. I'm glad they took it out. Would've been very distracting when using cockpit view with your drivers arms flairing around. :lol:
It used GT4's animation arm algorithms, it was good enough for external views in GT4 but it was a little odd with close interior view. KY said when GT5P came out that they're working on new arm animations (after the old ones were shelved), which many of us assumed we would see in GT5P updates but never came, I am fairly sure GT5 will feature new animations.
looks just as weird as the current animations do...

i always found the wheel to be annoying in the first place anyway. I would like a feature to deactivate the wheel and the hand-movements all together (like we have seen it in so many pc-sims).
would be less disturbing and if you have a proper placed g25 its actually more realistic to me :)
Nice, thanks for the vid.

It does look a bit odd, like the hands seem to be moving super quick and coming kind of out of nowhere a bit, but overall I think that looks pretty good and I would have preferred that over what we have in Prologue. Nonetheless, I'm sure they polished it up and we'll have the full 900 degrees in GT5.
They must have 900 degree rotation in GT5. Looking at PD's trackrecord, for tjem NOT to do this would be as if they decided to cut all Skylines from GT5...not going to happen, and rightly so!

but seriously, I really believe they will fix the animations to match wheel users precise movements. Please PD! Fix it and add PADDLE SHIFT ANIMATIONS!!
forza 3 at least has so i can.t figure out why would PD fail to do this quite simple animation.

Forza 3 demos so far haven't shown it at all, unless you know of some new footage? Infact so far it doesn't have the manual gearshift animation either.
Sorry i somehow thought it was in the game after first time watching the demo but second time shows it is not true 1:1. Well live for speed a free game does it at least.

The only reason might be steering wheel looking too "jerky" when using a game pad.
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indeed, but there must be options for wheel users amd pad users alike, one shouldn´t suffer because of the other
Another thing is animating the gear lever going into into each gate, which was done in gt4. Right now you just see the hand reach down for the shifter.
I think its a big thing if you have a logitech infront of you, and its not matching the screen, can someone explain to me how GT4 had this, I wasn't aware there a cockpit view...
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I can see why they took it out but all they would need to do is let the hand animations stay in the 10 and 2 positions and let the wheel go through the fingertips. Should be easy enough to implement. I mean they can let the hands move around the wheel but they should never cross hands.
Also when driving a F430 he ever uses the paddles to change gear but in the f2007 he did so that will almost certainatley be in gt5
I don't like racing "simulators" which don't show the arms on the wheel. That looks fake to my opinion. I hop they add the 900 degrees animation indeed. I didn't know they removed it from the Prologue. It's annoying to play with the Driving Force GT and see the animation turn the wheel for half the way I do.
Im using wheel with incar view,and in Prologue I dont see that wheel or hands when consentrait on racing.I dont want any arms abowe the steering wheel,thats when it becomes disturbing.
I dont think they will ever really get it 100%, probably close but, it will never look completely natural. I think about how when drifting a car around a turn, then snapping it back in the opposite direction to connect to the next turn, usually the driver just lets the wheel spin freely through their grip until they catch it at the correct moment they need to. If PD could pull off that kind of accuracy, that would truly be amazing.
Problem is PD (or any game) would have to be spot on at predicting what you are going to do (impossible) so It will never be perfect. All they really need to do is get some natural looking movements regardless of wether they're exactly what you did with your wheel.
Problem is PD (or any game) would have to be spot on at predicting what you are going to do (impossible) so It will never be perfect. All they really need to do is get some natural looking movements regardless of wether they're exactly what you did with your wheel.
well actually it's not impossible
it would be useless but possible: using the pseye to recognize arms and hands movements are reproduce them in real time in the cockpit

i really hope that isnt the type of animation you guys want in GT5. even though its better then the beta GT5P version of moving hands it just looks horrible. but i wouldnt be surprised if this is never implemented. seeing as on a pad i can go from full lock to full lock in .2 seconds you would see alot of random arm flailing. and i dont think they would add it just for wheel users to see. im perfectly fine with whats in GT5P because im to busy racing to notice petty stuff.
well actually it's not impossible
it would be useless but possible: using the pseye to recognize arms and hands movements are reproduce them in real time in the cockpit

I said impossible to predict, not track.

seeing as on a pad i can go from full lock to full lock in .2 seconds

You may be able to move the stick that fast but the wheels (on screen steering wheel, and road wheels) don't move that quickly.
i really hope that isnt the type of animation you guys want in GT5. even though its better then the beta GT5P version of moving hands it just looks horrible. but i wouldnt be surprised if this is never implemented. seeing as on a pad i can go from full lock to full lock in .2 seconds you would see alot of random arm flailing. and i dont think they would add it just for wheel users to see. im perfectly fine with whats in GT5P because im to busy racing to notice petty stuff.

The main problem with that video is just that not a lot of work has gone into making the arms look sexy because more people would race with them off than on in LFS. But it just shows you can have full 900 degrees without the driver flailing wildly around.

In LFS you can set the virtual wheel rotation to the same as the wheel you're using. So if you're using a controller instead of a wheel, you'd probably set it around 180 degrees.
Just add 900 support to animation without any drifting "free hands" thing :) Of course LFS does not look very good but that game can almost run in amiga. GT5 should have better hand models and animation, but 900 baby is what 900 degrees controller needs.