The truth is there really isn't one time that everybody can agree on.
In another game I've joined an international league where I had to wake up at 7 am Saturday mourning to race because in Europe that means 1 pm
The best thing the Tournament can do is move to a set time and if those signing up can't make the time then they can't make it.
I would like to but you can't please everyone.
Now Tuesday evening seemed to be a free time for most people, but without private rooms the racing will be destroyed randomly by lag, punters or quitters.
Weekends in the mourning is the only hope for consistant clean racing.
Looking at this poll as it stands I might just put everyone, cup and Busch, into Saturday or Sunday mourning. Drivers on the west coast may have to wake up early, at around 8 or 9 am, but if you don't want to then don't sign up. I hate to sound like that but with online the way it is I don't see another way around it.